
  1. 床中间凹下去了。

    The bed sags in the middle .

  2. 按照你的面包大小做几个肉饼,中间做成凹进去一点。

    Make patties based on the size of your buns .

  3. 然后在碗中间弄成凹形,加入鸡蛋3茶匙融化的黄油和300毫升的水。

    Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and pour in 1 beaten egg , 3 tbsp melted butter and 1 1 / 4 cups ( 300 ml ) milk .

  4. 一项来自瑞典的研究表明长方形、中间有下凹的颈枕能增加睡眠质量,同时减少颈部酸痛。

    One Swedish study found that neck pillows , which resemble a rectangle with a depression in the middle , can actually enhance the quality of your sleep as well as reduce neck pain .