
zhòng qiān
  • be the lucky number;be the lucky number (in drawing lots)
中签 [zhòng qiān]
  • [be the lucky number (in drawing lots)] 分期还本的债券号码跟用抽签办法得出的本期还本的债券号码相同。中签的债券可以领取本金

中签[zhòng qiān]
  1. 除此之外,创业板市场的IPO抑价显著受到发行与上市时间间隔、中签率的影响。

    In addition , the IPO underpricing in GEM is significantly influenced by the time intervals between issue and public and demand-to-offer ratio .

  2. 中签率是市场环境的重要体现,其仍然是导致我国IPO抑价居高不下的重要原因。

    In the success rate is an important manifestation of the market environment , and its also the main reason for high IPO underpricing level in China .

  3. 这样,由于知情投资者和未知情投资者共同参与折价IPO,这使得对折价IPO的需求高,从而中签率低。

    Thus , the joint participation by both informed and uninformed investors in underpriced IPOs makes the demand for underpriced IPOs high , and allocation rate low .

  4. 使用这种方法,您可以简单地将文件从源文件控件中签出或者分发并运行项目,而不更改EclipseIDE设置。

    Using this approach , you can simply check files out of source control or distribute the project and run it without changing the Eclipse IDE settings .

  5. 这意味着,在运行一个测试时不必每次都运行JUnitPerf测试,例如在一个CI环境中签入代码。

    This means they aren 't run every time during a test run , such as in a code check-in within a CI environment .

  6. 这允许RationalApplicationDeveloper虚拟系统模式或CLM虚拟系统模式在部署时查找许可服务器,然后自动从一个共享许可池中签出一个许可。

    This allows deployments of the Rational Application Developer virtual system pattern or the CLM virtual system pattern to lookup the license server at the time of deployment , then automatically check out a license from a shared license pool .

  7. AEG管理人士正在努力确保中签获得入场券的人不能倒手转卖门票。

    AEG officials are trying to make sure that the lottery winners can 't resell the tickets .

  8. 上市价格被定在较低水平,这种操纵方式可以确保上市首日带来巨大刺激,使得一些在IPO之前申购中签的幸运投资者迅速成为大赢家。

    Listing prices were set low , a form of manipulation that ensured great excitement on an IPO 's opening day and made instant winners of investors lucky enough to have got shares in the pre-IPO ballot .

  9. 其中,IPO新股上市首日换手率、振幅率及中小板市场指数与初始收益率成止相关,中签率则和初始收益率呈负相关。最后,在上述基础上提出相关政策建议。

    IPO first-day turnover , amplitude ratio and small plates market index with the initial yield are positively correlated . The success rate and the initial rate is a negative correlation . Finally , it makes some policy suggestions based on the above .

  10. 运用1999-2003年来自上海证券交易所的267只A股首次公开发行股票(IPOs)数据实证考察了Rock模型。与Rock(1986)的逆向选择理论一致,中签率与初始收益负相关。

    We examine empirically Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory using data of 267 A-share initial public offerings ( IPOs ) in Shanghai from January 1,1999 through December 31, 2003.Consistent with Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory of adverse selection , the allocation rate was negatively related to initial return .

  11. 没有文件可从源代码控制中签出。

    No files are available for check out from source code control .

  12. 此信息直接显示在文档中签名行的下方。

    This information is displayed directly beneath the signature line in the document .

  13. 部分文件自动从版本控制数据库中签出。

    Some files have been automatically checked out from the source control repository .

  14. 从一个远程代码存储库中签出源代码。

    Check out source from a remote code repository .

  15. 戈登·海沃德在从犹他到波士顿的过程中签下了一份4年1.28亿美元的顶薪合同。

    Gordon Hayward signed a four-year , $ 128 million max deal in his move from Utah to Boston .

  16. 托尼·施瓦兹,特朗普《交易的艺术》的代笔作家也在倡议书中签下了自己的名字。

    Tony Schwartz , Trump 's ghostwriter for his book ' The Art of The Deal , ' is another .

  17. 中签获得门票的人将在周日接到电子邮件通知,中签者必须亲自领取门票。在取票地点,工作人员将在中签者的手腕上粘贴标识。

    Ticket recipients were by email Sunday and required to pick up the tickets in person , with wristbands at the pickup location .

  18. 其次通过对投资者资金最优安排模型的演绎,得出投资者在对新股作行为决策时,会以行为表现参数&以往新股中签率的数值作为自己的决策依据。

    Secondly we resort to the Investor Fund Most Superior Arrangement Model , to obtain the investor would do decision by Lot Winning Rate .

  19. 上市开放式基金的募集沿用新股上网定价模式,但无配号及中签环节。

    The raising of lofs follows the model of online pricing of new shares , but without the steps of matching number and winning lot .

  20. 考虑到非常低的中签率和资金成本,投资者申购新股并不能获得超额收益,并且发现在新股发行中存在着逆向选择。

    If very low lottery rate and capital cost is into consideration , investors will not obtain excess return , there is also adverse selection in IPOs .

  21. 初始回报仍处于很高水平,但极低的中签率使申购资金的实际收益远低于名义值。

    The average initial return is very high , but the actural return of the subscribers is much lower than the nominal level due to the low hit rate .

  22. 利用统计和截面回归方法进行实证检验发现实证结果与理论相一致,进一步研究发现中签率是影响机会成本的最重要因素。

    The empirical study using statistic analysis and OLS shows its result is in accordance with the theory and the subscription rate is the most important factor influencing opportunity cost .

  23. 在深圳市场上,中签率与初始回报间是显著负相关的,说明初始回报与申购风险成正比,大的机构投资者为了弥补申购风险有操纵上市价格的嫌疑。

    In Shenzhen A-share stock market , winner 's ratio is significantly negative to the initial return , which may support the assumption of the offer price manipulation of large institutional .

  24. 从实证研究的结果来看,在所有因素中对创业板抑价率有显著影响的因素包括:首日换手率、网上发行中签率、发行规模、蜜月期、市场景气程度等五个指标。

    The results showed that the market sentiment index , online purchase success rate , listed on the first day of new shares turnover , issue size , the honeymoon period is significant factor .

  25. 通过上述方法实现了中签率与上市时间间隔两因素的整合。最后,使用多元回归模型进行实证检验。

    With this method , we achieved in the integration of the two factors : the success rate and IPO interval . Finally , I use the multiple regression model to do the empirical test .

  26. 选择发球、接发球和方位的权力应由抽签来决定。中签者可以选择先发球或先接发球,或选择先在某一方位。

    The right to choose the initial order of serving , receiving and ends shall be decided by lot and the winner may choose to serve or to receive first or to start at a particular end .

  27. 方法选择6个县15个1990年全国人体寄生虫分布调查中签点,按照《全国人体重要寄生虫病现状调查方案和实施细则》的要求和方法,于2002年进行人体肠道蠕虫感染状况的调查。

    Methods 15 spots of 6 counties which had been selected in National investigation in 1990 were selected in current program , which is carried out in 2002 according to the unified requirements and standardized methods in the nationwide .

  28. 本文以网上和网下发行股数作为权数,以网上和网下中签率,推导出综合中签率,作为衡量一级市场供需关系和投资者情绪的指标。

    In this paper , online and offline as weights the number of shares issued to online and offline success rate , integrated in the success rate is derived , as a measure of a market supply and demand and investor sentiment indicators .

  29. 方法在全国首次人体寄生虫分布调查中签县(市)分层抽样,采用相同的方法调查人群感染率;收集驱虫服药、社会经济等资料进行分析。

    Methods To stratify sampling the spots in the counties ( or cites ) in signs in the First National Investigation , use the same method to investigate crowd infection rate and the data on chemotherapy , social economy and others was collected to analyze .