
  1. 行使中央银行的职能,组织具体执行国家金融方针、法律、银行条例和基本章程

    Perform the function of the central Bank , and organize the implementation of the nation 's financial principles , laws , Bank rules , and regulations

  2. 建立政府的金融综合监管部门,健全金融监管体系,加强货币政策委员会的职能,使人民银行能充分发挥中央银行的职能。

    Strengthen the system of Finance supervision and function of Monetary Policy Committee so the People 's Bank of China will be able to give fully play to its functions as a central bank .

  3. 从中央银行的职能来看,金融稳定是央行的重要职能之一,而资产价格波动与银行恐慌和金融危机之间有着密切的联系,威胁着央行金融稳定的目标的实现。

    Secondly , the central banks have the duty to realize financial stability . Nevertheless , the fluctuation of asset prices is closely linked with bank panic and financial crisis , and threatened the realization of financial stability .

  4. 而且,部分统一监管尤其是统一监管模式倾向于中央银行的监管职能分离。

    Besides , unified supervision tends to separate supervision functionality of central bank .

  5. 维护金融稳定已成为当今中央银行的核心职能。

    To maintain the financial stability has become the core function of the Central Bank now .

  6. 中央银行的主要职能,在这一时期则取得了程度不同的发展。

    It also got some progress in developing its main functions to some degree during this time .

  7. 中央银行的央行职能有所加强,但还没有独占货币发行权。

    Bank and promoted the Central Bank of China to be a central bank , but the banknote issue did not be centralized .

  8. 第一,电子货币的流通使用加剧了货币的竞争性发行,将进一步削弱中央银行的发行职能;

    First , gradual increasing circulation of the electronic currency will aggravate competition in monetary issue , then weaken the corresponding function of the central bank .

  9. 货币政策职能是中央银行的核心职能,中央银行货币政策目标的实现需要以中央银行独立的法律地位为前提。

    Monetary policy function is the core function of the central bank , which brings out effect only based upon the independent status of the central bank .

  10. 在过去的几年中,中国银行业的改革速度显著加快,特别是强化了中央银行的监管职能和对宏观经济的管理职能。

    The past few years have seen marked acceleration of china 's banking reform , particularly significant strengthening of the central bank 's capacity for supervision and microeconomic management .

  11. 从第二次世界大战结束后可能一直到一九七十年代末期,这一直是中央银行最重要的职能。实际上执行货币政策已成为压倒一切的目标。

    This became really their dominant or prime function from the end of the Second World War probably up until the1970s .

  12. 从第二次世界大战结束后可能一直到一九七十年代末期,这一直是中央银行最重要的职能。

    This became really their dominant or prime function from the end of the Second World War probably up until the 1970s .

  13. 紧紧围绕中央银行的三大职能,详细追溯中央银行现代化快速推进的过程;

    Round three major functions of the Central Bank firmly , trace back to the course of the modernized rapid advance of Central Bank in detail ;

  14. 中央银行的第二大职能是制定并实施货币政策,调节货币供应量。

    The second function of central bank is making and implementing currency policy to adjust currency supply .

  15. 中央银行具备最后贷款人的职能,在金融危机时,可以采取救助措施,为金融机构或金融市场注入流动性,维护金融稳定。

    The Central Bank has the function of " the final lender " . During the financial crisis , the Central Bank can take saving measures , pour into the fluidity for the financial institution or the financial market , and maintain the finance to be stable .

  16. 根据新修订的中央银行法,中央银行的基本职能为制定和执行货币政策、维护金融稳定和提供金融服务。上述三大基本职能的执行效率与中央银行的纵向科层结构分工存在较大关联。

    Based on the revised central bank law , the function of central banks contains monetary policy , financial stabilization and financial service .

  17. 它动摇了以中央银行为核心的银行货币创造体系,也对该体系下中央银行的传统职能造成了冲击。

    It not only shakes the banking money creation system in which central bank plays a key role , but also challenges the traditional functions of the central bank in that system .

  18. 欧洲中央银行不能在欧盟法律框架之外独立存在,但在该法律框架下,欧洲中央银行的货币政策职能的独立行使会得到有效保护。

    ECB could not exist outside legal framework of European Community but could be effectively protected when performing monetary policy function independently .