
  • 网络cultural exchange
  1. 中外文化交流与汉语吸收功能

    Chinese and Foreign Cultural Exchange and Absorptions of the Chinese Language

  2. 佛经文献与古代中外文化交流

    Buddhist Scripture Document and Ancient Chinese and Foreign Cultural Exchange

  3. 明代图书交流,成为中外文化交流的重要内容之一。

    Book exchange becomes one of the important cultural communications .

  4. 网站由文化部中外文化交流中心策划创建。

    SeeChina is launched by Centre of International Cultural Exchange .

  5. 本注意事项解释权归中外文化交流中心。

    CICE has the right to explain the notice .

  6. 中外文化交流中的接受、影响及翻译策略

    Reception , Influence and Translation Strategy in Cultural Communication

  7. 唐代的回纥与中外文化交流

    Huihe in the Tang Dynasty and the Cultural Exchanges Between China and Foreign Countries

  8. 传统中国画在中外文化交流过程中扮演着重要角色。

    It plays an important role in the process of Chinese and foreign exchange .

  9. 彩虹沙龙旨在弘扬中国传统文化,促进中外文化交流。

    Rainbow Salon aims at advancing Chinese traditional culture and the intercourses of various cultures .

  10. 公示语的翻译对中外文化交流和经济合作有着十分重要的作用。

    Translation of public signs plays an important role in Sino-foreign cultural exchange and economic cooperation .

  11. 这是19世纪80年代中国人走向世界的一次盛举,对中国人认识世界、学习西方、推动改革和促进中外文化交流都有一定积极意义。

    This was an important attempt made by Chinese people in the 1880s to understand the world .

  12. 论16世纪前中外文化交流的发展进程和基本特点

    On Developing Process and Basic Peculiarity of Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries before 16th Century

  13. 唐代作为我国历史上的开放时代,中外文化交流空前繁荣。

    As an on-limits era in Chinese history , Tang Dynasty had unprecedented culture intercourse with foreign countries .

  14. 让马可波罗重回中国&论冯承钧及其所译中外文化交流典籍

    Bring Marco Polo Back to China : Feng Chengjun and His Translation of Classics about Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchanges

  15. 当把红色的比喻用法翻译成英文时,理解并掌握红色在汉语中的文化背景是非常重要的,它将对中外文化交流及翻译实践研究有一定的实际意义。

    It is of practical significance to the translation practice and the cultural communication between China and English-speaking countries .

  16. 可以说,传教士在中外文化交流中起到了桥梁和媒介的作用。

    In a word , the missionaries worked as a bridge in Sino-Foreign cultural communication in the modern times .

  17. 他以翻译中国古典文学名著为主,也做一些英译汉的工作,为中外文化交流孜孜不倦地翻译了大量中国古典文学名著。

    His main work focuses on translating classical Chinese literature into English , which contributes enormously to cultural exchange .

  18. 从语言文化功能方面来说,创造性叛逆对于中外文化交流是非常的有价值的。

    Finally , creative treason in poetry translation is beneficial to the communication in terms of language 's cultural function .

  19. 自从改革开放以来,中外文化交流也变得越来越频繁。

    Since the reform and opening up to the outside , cultural communication between China and other nations has increasing greatly .

  20. 随着中外文化交流的深入,国外影片不断丰富国内电影市场。

    With the deepening of cultural communication between China and foreign countries , foreign movies are growingly surging into domestic film market .

  21. 从历史上三次中外文化交流看马克思主义中国化

    The Adaptation Of Marxism To China : A Historical Must & A comparative study on the transmission of three major foreign cultures

  22. 因此,了解并掌握此类颜色词及所构成词汇的差异,可以推进中外文化交流及翻译实践与研究。

    Therefore , it is practically useful to know and study the differences , thus promoting the cultural communication and translation practice .

  23. 中外文化交流源远流长,海上交往亦有着悠久的历史和辉煌的成就。

    The Chinese and foreign cultural interaction source flows to grow far , the sea association also has long history and glorious achievement .

  24. 财务部、发行运输部和《中外文化交流》杂志社等部门。

    Finance Department , Distribution and Transport Department and the bimonthly magazine China the World Cultural Exchange in both Chinese and English versions .

  25. 虽然如此,16世纪以前的中外文化交流对于中国社会发展进程和世界发展进程仍产生了重要的历史影响。

    Though with these characteristics , the cultural exchange exerted important influences to the Chinese social development and the development of the whole world .

  26. 所以,在21世纪的中外文化交流中,固有的中国文化不可能不面临新的挑战。

    Therefore , in the21st century , the Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges , inherent in Chinese culture can not be faced with new challenges .

  27. 在提出他是一个忠实的传教士的同时,肯定了他对中外文化交流所做的贡献。

    The author regards MacGillivray as a dutiful missionary and at the same time approves his contribution to the cultural exchanges between China and the West .

  28. 《论语》的翻译自明清以来便是中外文化交流的重要组成部分。

    The translation of Lun Yu has been the important part of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries since the Ming and the Qing Dynasty .

  29. 古陶瓷是科学和艺术的结晶,是民族文化和中外文化交流的见证。

    Ancient ceramics is the crystallization of science and the arts , also is the witnesses of ethnic and cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign country .

  30. 随着中外文化交流的日益频繁和世界全球化的深入,许多国外动画片进入中国市场。

    With the increasing economic and cultural exchanges among countries as well as the deepening globalization , many foreign animations are imported to the Chinese market .