
  • 网络Chinese Wealth;China Fortune;China Riches
  1. 随着中国财富的增长,越来越多的人渴望留住青春,想和中国版《时尚》(Vogue)杂志中的模特一样养眼。

    As wealth has mounted in China , so has the desire to maintain a youthful profile or to appear as picturesque as the models from the Chinese versions of Vogue .

  2. 浅析中国财富管理市场

    Brief Analysis on the Market of Wealth Management in China

  3. 请给我一本《中国财富》。

    A copy of " china wealth ", please .

  4. 《福布斯》:掂量中国财富和人心

    Forbes : Measuring Wealth and Minds in China

  5. 激增的旅游业正在侵蚀中国财富。

    Exploding tourism eroding china 's riches .

  6. 我们中国财富积累主要是通过政治手段,而非技术和商业途径。

    Fortune is mainly accumulated hi China by means of politics , not technology and commerce .

  7. 展望中国财富管理

    Prospect of Wealth Management in China

  8. 亿万富翁比尔·盖茨和沃伦·巴菲特希望中国财富新贵们支持慈善事业。

    Billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are hoping China 's newly wealthy will embrace philanthropy .

  9. 上万条鲨鱼被杀以制成代表中国财富的鱼翅汤

    Thousands of sharks slaughtered simply for their fins to use in expensive soup which is a symbol of wealth in China

  10. 随着中国财富的增长和葡萄酒饮用的日益盛行,预计截至2017年,这个数字将增至5000万箱。

    The figure is forecast to grow to 50m by 2017 as the country 's wealth rises and wine drinking becomes more popular .

  11. 巴菲特说赠与是种习惯,可以渐渐养成。然而越来越多的中国财富新贵们开始评估他们的选择。

    Buffett says the habit of giving is still being formed , but more and more of China 's newly wealthy are starting to assess their options .

  12. 中国财富研究公司胡润研究院报告称,中国三分之一顶级富豪(身价1600万美元以上)已经移民。

    The report from Hurun , a wealth research firm that focuses on China , said that one-third of China 's super rich - or those worth $ 16 million or more - have already emigrated .

  13. 日前,瑞士瑞信银行发布了一份报告称,中国财富总值增长迅速,已成为全球新兴财富阶层的主力。

    Recently , a recent report released by the UBS ( Credit Suisse ) that China 's total national production has increased so rapidly that China has become one of the big members in wealth class globally .

  14. 《胡润中国财富榜》创始人胡润表示,中国所有得到大众认可的亿万富翁中,至少有2人选择了隐蔽锋芒,被称作“吸血鬼亿万富翁”。

    Hurun China Rich List founder Rupert Hoogewerf says for every one Chinese billionaire that has been publicly identified , there are at least two who choose to lurk in the shadows -- the so-called " vampire billionaires . "

  15. 本章首先总结了中国财富管理市场的三个新发展:1、财富管理需求大幅增长;2、财富投资趋向多元化;3、财富管理机构大举进入,市场竞争日益激烈。

    This chapter first summarizes the three new developments in the wealth management market in China : wealth management has a surge in demand ; the trend of product diversification is obvious ; wealth management institutions inroads into an increasingly competitive market .

  16. 大约3个月前一个风和日丽的秋日,中国主要财富主权基金负责人来到巴黎旺多姆广场的一个办公室,对面是丽兹酒店(Ritzhotel)。

    On a mild autumn day about three months ago , the head of China 's main sovereign wealth fund visited an office on Place Vend ô me in Paris , just across from the Ritz Hotel .

  17. 这家总部位于纽约的投资机构,是2010年受中国主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)之托、投资15亿美元于私人股本资产的三家公司之一。

    The New York-based investor was one of three firms mandated in 2010 to pick up $ 1.5bn of private equity investments for China Investment Corp , the country 's sovereign wealth fund .

  18. 作为加强中俄关系的一部分,中国主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)将在未来数月内利用去年10月创建的20亿美元中俄投资基金,作出首笔投资。

    As part of the strengthening ties between the two countries , China Investment Corp , the country 's sovereign wealth fund , will make its first investment in coming months using a $ 2bn Russia-China Fund , created in October .

  19. 财富的德性呼唤&中国当代财富伦理的思考

    Call virtue of wealth & thinking of china 's contemporary wealth ethics

  20. 中国古代财富思想的现代价值

    The Moden Value of the Ancient Chinese Thoughts on Wealth

  21. 王芳不仅是中国的财富,也是世界的财富。

    Not just China 's treasures , but the world 's treasures too .

  22. 他认为,中国国内财富市场有可能发展壮大。

    He believes there is a possibility that an onshore wealth market may develop .

  23. 皮尔集团正试图取悦中国主权财富基金,以向其寻求资助开发利物浦北部已被遗弃的造船厂。

    It is courting Chinese sovereign-wealth funds to develop Liverpool 's derelict northern dockyards .

  24. 如果让美元不断的贬值,对中国国民财富也不是一个好消息吧。

    If the dollar continues to devalue , the China national wealth is not a good news .

  25. 在印证当代中国新生财富的诸多例子中,这条长毛狗的故事只是特别怪异的一个。

    This shaggy dog story is just a particularly weird example of the new wealth of modern China .

  26. 此外,尽管社会主义中国的财富分布相当平均,但维持这种状态的可能性不大。

    In addition , although communist China 's wealth is quite evenly spread , it is unlikely to remain so .

  27. 他们中包括获任财政部长的中国主权财富基金前董事长楼继伟。

    They include Lou Jiwei , former head of the sovereign wealth fund , who has been named finance minister .

  28. 中国苯胺财富的当前市场情形与曩昔几年对比已经有了很年夜的转变。

    The current market situation of Chinese aniline industry has changed a lot compared to that in the past few years .

  29. 近代以来日本对东北的资源财富掠夺,是其自近代以来对中国资源财富掠夺的一个缩影。而且,日本对中国东北的资源财富的掠夺无处不用其极。

    Japan 's plundering of the resource and wealth of Northeast China in modern history reflects its plundering of the whole China .

  30. 我喜欢熊猫,因为它们不仅中国的财富,也是因为他们看起来很可爱。

    I like the pandas not only because they are one of the China 's treasures , but also because they looks cute .