
  • 网络Chinese dance;chinese dancing
  1. WTO与中国舞蹈教育&关于舞蹈经营与管理专业设立的构想

    WTO and Chinese Dance Education & Conception of the Foundation of Dance Management Major

  2. 中国舞蹈学院是西雅图地区的一所出色的舞蹈教育学院。

    The Chinese Dance Academy is premier dance school in the Seattle area .

  3. 香港——上个月,巴黎歌剧团芭蕾舞团(ParisOperaBallet)的演出季开启时,演出名单上出现了它所录用的首名中国舞蹈演员。这在该剧院346年的历史上还是第一次。

    HONG KONG - When its season opened late last month , the Paris Opera Ballet included the first Chinese dancer to be hired in its 346-year history .

  4. 论中国舞蹈特色保护与发展

    On Protection and Development of Chinese Dance Character

  5. 是的,还有中国舞蹈。

    Yes , and there 's Chinese dancing .

  6. 中国舞蹈的历史颇为悠久。

    China has a long history of dance .

  7. 近年来,中国舞蹈及其教育迅猛发展。

    In recent years , dance and its education in China has developed extremely fast .

  8. 中国舞蹈是中华民族全体智慧和心灵的结晶。

    Chinese dance is no doubt the fruit of the Chinese nation 's wisdom and soul combined .

  9. 情与志的密不可分、合二而一是中国舞蹈审美在内容层面上的独有特征;

    The unity of feelings and aspirations is the peculiar characteristic of the content of Chinese dance .

  10. 西周是中国舞蹈发展史上的第一个高峰。

    The development of China 's dance got to the first peak in the Western Zhou Dynast .

  11. 二零零九年二月为颐康中心长者表演中国舞蹈,共庆农历新春。

    In February , 2009 performed Chinese dances and celebrated Chinese New Year with seniors at Yee Hong Centre .

  12. 中国舞蹈在走出蛮荒,进入文明社会以后,便加快了发展步伐,很快就趋向成熟。

    After Chinese dance entered the civilized society from the primitive times , its development accelerated and got matured quickly .

  13. 就在这一年,14岁的林隽永成为该校录取的第一名中国舞蹈演员。

    That same year , at 14 , he became the first Chinese dancer to be admitted into the academy .

  14. 中国舞蹈品类繁多,异彩纷呈,不同民族、不同地域、不同舞种都具有各各不同的性格和色调。

    Chinese dance possesses numerous types , with each nationality , each region and each type of dance carrying unique features and savors .

  15. 世纪初叶的中国舞蹈,其自身发展也未见成熟到足以产生综合性的舞剧艺术。

    Chinese dance in the early time of his century was not mature enough to produce the comprehensive art form of dance drama .

  16. 希望本人的这些浅薄的想法能够给广大的舞蹈工作者提供参考,为中国舞蹈文化产业的发展尽一点微薄之力。

    I hope that my shallow ideas could make some cross-references to our dancers and could contribute my mite to the development of dancing culture industry in china .

  17. 从2008年建校以来,中国舞蹈学院致力于提供一流的舞蹈教育和通过中国舞蹈来传播中国文化。

    Founded in2008 , the Chinese Dance Academy is focused on providing quality dance education as well as promoting the Chinese culture throught the art of Chinese Dance .

  18. 中国舞蹈舞台演出的现代发展与突破需有三个条件:社会环境、原创性作品和市场经营。

    There are three conditions for the development and breakthrough of Chinese dance performed on the stage , that is , the social environment , original dances and market operation .

  19. 中国舞蹈学院就是借助舞蹈这座桥梁把中国多姿多彩的文化传递给西雅图的人们,同时也为热爱舞蹈的孩子和大人们提供一个专业的学习舞蹈的环境。

    The Chinese Dance Academy strives to bring different aspects of the Chinese culture to the local community in Seattle and provide an environment to help dance enthusiasts to realize their potentials .

  20. 香港舞蹈团是本港唯一职业中国舞蹈团,上演中国传统民间舞蹈及以中国和香港为主题的原创舞剧。

    The Hong Kong Dance Company is the only professional Chinese Dance Company in Hong Kong to present Chinese traditional and folk dances and original dance dramas on Chinese and Hong Kong themes .

  21. 通过对中国舞蹈教育历史的梳理,以华中师范大学舞蹈教育建构为个案,对中国舞蹈教育发展的历史脉络及其规律进行研究。

    Combing through the history of dance education , dance education Construction of Central China Normal University as a case study , the historical context of the development of dance education and its laws .

  22. 荣获中国舞蹈界最高奖第四届中国舞蹈“荷花奖”舞剧金奖、佳编导奖、佳舞美设计奖、佳男主角奖及两项优秀表演奖等六项大奖。

    The drama has been awarded Gold price of4 th China " Lotus Award " Dance Drama , the best Choreographer , the best Stage Art Design , the best actor and two excellent performance awards .

  23. 面对高等教育信息的网络化、全球化,高校扩大招生,学生就业方式的多样化以及教育结构调整等客观现实,中国舞蹈教育教学中大量的新课题不断涌现出来。

    Facing the reality of networking and globalized higher education , the enlargement of recruiting college students , the diversification of student employment , and education structure adjustment , many new issues arise in the Chinese dance education .

  24. 舞蹈教育思想是在舞蹈教育实践基础上形成的对舞蹈教育现象与问题的认识和看法,其发展的历史是中国舞蹈教育史的重要组成部分。

    The dance education thought is formed on the basis of the dance education practice to recognize the education phenomenon and understand questions and views ; its development history is the important constituent of Chinese dance history of education .

  25. 这些静止在石壁上的舞蹈造型,既是古代舞蹈的信史资料,更是我们研究中国舞蹈历史和创作、表演中国民族舞蹈的重要参照和宝贵资源。

    These dancing images frozen on the stonewall are not only reliable source materials of ancient Chinese dancing , but more important references and valuable resources for the research of the history , creation and performance of authentic Chinese dancing .

  26. 中国早期舞蹈谈略从《中俄解决悬案大纲协定》看苏联早期的对华政策

    Account of Chinese Early Dances The Russian Chinese Policy on the early

  27. 试论新时期中国民间舞蹈的生存与发展

    Existence and Development of the Chinese Folk Dance in the New Period

  28. 中国电视舞蹈接受主体审美特性研究

    Study on the Aesthetic Characters of Acceptant Objects of Chinese TV Dancing

  29. 第二部分为概述,介绍了中国民间舞蹈的内涵和特点。

    The second part introduces the connotation and characteristics of Chinese folk dance .

  30. 由爵士舞文化引发的关于中国当代舞蹈文化建设的思考

    Analysis to the Chinese contemporary dance cultural construction from impact of jazz culture