
  1. 一支中国登山队顶着强风抵达世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰的二号营地。

    A Chinese mountaineering team has reached Camp Two of Mount Qomolangma , the world 's tallest peak , despite heavy winds .

  2. 这支中国登山队2009年夏末去了那里(当时我也在并且知道造假过程),他们看了置入木料的山洞并且拍了电影(录像?)

    The Chinese team went in the late summer of2009 ( I was there at the time and knew about the hoax ) and was shown the cave with the wood and made their film .

  3. 除我们以外,唯一停留下来的是来自中国的一个登山队。

    The only remaining expedition next to us was a group from China .