
  • 网络modern chinese literature;chinese modern literature
  1. 论中国现代文学史上的自由主义思潮

    Trend of Liberalist Thought in the History of Modern Chinese Literature

  2. 论现代性与中国现代文学史研究的理论预设

    Modernity and Theoretical Presupposition in the Study of Modern Chinese Literature

  3. W.H.奥登与中国现代文学

    Wystan Hugh Auden and Chinese Modern Literature

  4. 工业经济的变迁与中国现代文学

    The Vicissitudes of Industrial Economy and the Modern Literature of China

  5. 此种变化标志着中国现代文学发展的一个新阶段即将到来。

    And the change marked a new stage will coming soon .

  6. 接续历史的整体之思&浅析叶维廉对中国现代文学研究的反思

    Wai-Lim Yip 's Reflection on the Research of Modern Chinese Literature

  7. 谈中国现代文学批评的话语形态

    On the Language Form of the Chinese Contemporary Literature Criticism Theory

  8. 混沌的现代性&对中国现代文学思潮总体特征的一种解读

    Confused Modernity-An Interpretation of the General Characteristics of Modern Chinese Literature

  9. 新世纪的中国现代文学研究反思

    Reflections on Studies of Contemporary Chinese Literature of the New Century

  10. 中国现代文学批评理论研讨会综述

    A Summary of the Symposium on Modern Chinese Literature Criticism Theories

  11. 论初生态中国现代文学批评

    On China ′ s modern literary criticism in its initial stage

  12. 中国现代文学目录学的特点是鲜明的。

    The characteristic of contemporary literature bibliography of China is vivid .

  13. 话语类型与实践&1950-1990年代的中国现代文学研究

    Pattern and Practice of Discourse-1950s-1990s Research of Modern Chinese Literature

  14. 中国现代文学的现代性思考

    Thinking deeply " Modern Nature " in the modern literature of China

  15. 他在中国现代文学史上,做出了独有的贡献。

    He made special contributions in Chinese modern literature history .

  16. 在文章的最后,由漂泊的现代精神引发出对中国现代文学的现代性思索,认为现代性是一个相对和宽泛的概念,它不等同于现代主义思潮或西方性。

    At last , modern consideration about Chinese modern literature is involved .

  17. 中国现代文学思潮生成论

    A Discussion on the Generation of Modern Chinese Literary Current

  18. 道家艺术与中国现代文学的自然之美

    The Taoist Arts and the Beauty of Naturalness in Modern Chinese Literature

  19. 中国现代文学的功利性及其成因

    On the Utilitarianism and Its Causes in Modern Chinese Literature

  20. 中国现代文学中的工具理性与科学理性

    Implement Rational and the Scientific Rational in Chinese Modern Literature

  21. 文学研究会与中国现代文学制度

    The Society for Literary Studies and Chinese Modern Literary Institution

  22. 论方修对中国现代文学的研究

    Comments on Fang Xiu 's Study of Modern Chinese Literature

  23. 论李欧梵的中国现代文学研究

    A Thesis on Leo Ou-fan Lee 's Study of Chinese Modern Literature

  24. 文学思潮刍议&兼及中国现代文学思潮

    Discussion on Literary Thoughts & and modern Chinese literary thoughts

  25. 论1920年代中国现代文学中的颓废色彩

    Tentative Analysis-the Decadent Tinge of 1920 's Chinese Contemporary Literature

  26. 论中国现代文学史诗意识的建构

    On the Construction of Epic Ideology in Modern Chinese Literature

  27. 对社会的疏离到对人生责任的自觉承担,也代表了中国现代文学发展到40年代的一种潮流。

    It represents a trend of modern Chinese literature in the 1940s .

  28. 中国现代文学研究有学术大师吗?

    Do we have masters in the study of Chinese contemporary literature ?

  29. 中国现代文学之雅俗互动

    The Interaction of the Refined and Popular Elements within Chinese Modern Literature

  30. 中国现代文学语言的形成

    Formation of Modern Language of Ch in ese Literature