
  • 网络The China Times
  1. 同一天,《中国时报》(ChinaTimes)登载了一则发生在澎湖的新闻。

    That same day , the China Times had run a story about Penghu .

  2. 星期一中午票开始在网上出售时,王菲的歌迷涌上在线订票系统,台北的中国时报报道说。

    When the tickets went on sale through the Internet at noon Monday , interest among the island 's Faye Wong fans overcame the online booking system , the Taipei-based China Times reported .

  3. 消息自《中国时报》(ChinaTimes)。

    This one comes courtesy of the China times .

  4. 中国时报,中国民航杂志和机内读物及当地报纸。

    We have China Daily , CAAC Journals , in-Flight magazines , and the local newspapers .

  5. 据《中国时报》报道,如今支持兴建赌场的一派又在收集签名,以举办第二次公投,他们坚信这一次一定能胜出。

    Now , according to the Times , the pro-casino group was gathering signatures again for a second public vote , confident this time it would win .

  6. 《中国时报》昨天报道,空难后负责追究刑责的桃园地检署,就与飞安事故调查的飞安单位,因调查权多次争执。

    " China times " reported yesterday : the Taoyuan prosecutor 's office has been investigating for possible criminal liabilities in parallel to a probe into the cause of the crash by sac . unfortunately , the two have several disputes over investigation rights .

  7. 现担任该片联席执行制片人的安东圭对“中国实时报栏目”(ChinaRealTime)说,在1999年阅读了韩文版《许三观卖血记》后,他飞往北京与余华见面。

    Mr. Ahn , now the film 's co-executive producer , told China Real Time that he flew to Beijing to meet with Mr. Yu after he read the novel 's Korean translation in 1999 .

  8. 本周早些时候,中国实时报栏目曾提出这样的问题,苹果(AppleInc.)能否在发售新产品时不出现任何闪失?

    Earlier this week China Real Time asked whether Apple Inc. could launch a new product without incident .

  9. 在周二发表于《中国经济时报》(ChinaEconomicTimes)的一篇文章里面,国务院发展研究中心的三位研究人员认为,中国应当尽快调整独生子女政策,以免出现人口危机。

    In an essay published in the China Economic Times newspaper Tuesday , three researchers with the Development Research Center argued that China should adjust the one-child policy ' as soon as possible ' to head off a potential demographic crisis .

  10. 中国实时报栏目与马语琴探讨了她的新书。

    China Real Time sat down with the author to talk about her latest story .

  11. 中影集团的一名发言人上周五告诉中国实时报栏目,他不清楚有关这部电影未来命运的任何决定。

    A spokesman for China Film Group told China Real Time on Friday that he had not been informed of any decision on the fate of the film .

  12. 中国实时报栏目此行从这家北京烤鸭店的大餐开始。这家餐厅1416年开业,当时紫禁城都还在建造中。

    CRT began its tour with dinner at this Peking duck restaurant , which opened its doors in 1416 , when the Forbidden City was still under construction .

  13. 《中国经济时报》上周三报道,由山西省疾控中心配送的疫苗已造成4名儿童死亡,70多名儿童病残。

    The China Economic Times reported last Wednesday that problematic vaccines administered by the provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) had killed four children and sickened more than 70 .

  14. 中国实时报栏目记者周二联系了中国民用航空总局,后者证实说延误的确由另一方造成,但不愿透露其具体身份。

    Contacted by China Real Time on Tuesday , the Civil Aviation Administration of China confirmed that another user was indeed responsible for the delays , but declined to say who it might be .

  15. 中国实时报栏目与肯尼进行了交谈,听取她对这一事情的表述。以下是经过编辑的访谈内容。

    China Real Time spoke to Ms. Kenney to hear her side of the story . What follows is an edited version of the interview , which was conducted in Chinese and translated by CRT .

  16. 这个艺术团的领头人物要求只透露她姓戴(音),并且告诉中国实时报栏目,这些行头花了他们人民币两万多元。

    The head of the troupe , who asked to be identified only by her surname , Dai , told China Real Time that the equipment cost them more than 20,000 yuan ( $ 3,225 ) .

  17. 虽然中国实时报栏目被飞过拥堵区的想法迷住了,但是本栏目也想知道,在一个道路交通参与者已经制造了大量问题的地方,引入会飞的汽车是个好主意么?

    While China Real Time is intrigued by the idea of jumping over gridlock , we also wonder at the wisdom of flying cars in a place where the ones on the road already present a host of problems .

  18. 中国《环球时报》记者陈刚也将出席活动。

    Cheng Gang , a journalist with the Global Times , is also slated to participate .

  19. 中国的环球时报,是一篇英文报纸,该报纸刊登了一篇评论文章,该文章建议中国对越南和菲律宾发动战争。

    China 's Global Times , an English language paper , ran an opinion piece recommending war with Vietnam and the Philippines .

  20. 中国《环球时报》报道,2015年,共有384万夫妻离婚,和2014年相比,增长了5.6%。

    State newspaper Global Times says a total of 3.84 million couples in China divorced in 2015 , an increase of 5.6 % from 2014 .

  21. 中国《环球时报》网站上发布了日本军机可能前往中国的消息,在引发的评论中,批评远多于支持。

    A news report of the possible arrival of Japanese aircraft posted on a website run by the Chinese Communist party 's Global Times newspaper prompted far more critical than supportive comments .

  22. 原因是:它们是教科书或者补充阅读材料,换句话说,这些书都是学生不得不读或者买的书。那我们来对比下中国和纽约时报发布的畅销书清单吧。

    The reason : They are textbooks or supplement reading material , in other words , books that students are forced to read , or rather , forced to buy.So , let 's compare China 's best-seller list with that of the New York Times .