
  • 网络China Juvenile and Children
  1. 论述了中国少年儿童图书馆事业的系统结构、类型及其网络的建设。

    The article discussed the system structures , types and network construction of Chinese children 's librarianship .

  2. 中国少年儿童基金会

    Children 's Foundation of China

  3. 大与国际作家在儿童图书方面的交流。”中国少年儿童新闻出版总社最近推出了曹文轩全套书籍的有声刊物。除此之外,曹文轩的新书也即将发行。重点讲解:他说新部长应该关注增加科研资助和改善年轻学者的环境。

    He said the new minister should fo increasing funding for research and improving conditions for young scholars .

  4. 从1981年第一家基金会中国少年儿童基金会成立伊始至今,只有短短的二十五年的时间,但其发展速度之快,社会作用之大令人瞩目。

    Since the first Foundation " Children 's Foundation of China " founded in 1981 , there is only 25 years . But it develops rapidly .

  5. 调查结果显示:①品牌意识在中国少年儿童中普遍存在,少年儿童都能说出多个饮料、运动鞋和手机产品的品牌。

    The results show that : ① Brand awareness is prevalent in Chinese children who can name some brands of beverage , sports shoes and mobile phones ;

  6. 王一地同志从1957年就当了中国少年儿童出版社的编辑,我们在多次“儿童文学”的聚会中早就认识了。

    Comrade Wang Yidi became an editor of the China Children Press as early as1957 and we came to know each other at the meetings held by " Children 's Literature " .

  7. 11月18日,中国少年儿童文化艺术基金会表达了许多观众的担忧,并呼吁停止这种所谓的实习爸爸和女儿搭档的公众宣传手段。

    On Nov. 18 , a fund for the protection of underage girl under the umbrella of the China Foundation of Culture and Arts for Children vented the concerns of many viewers , calling for a stop to publicity surrounding the so-called intern father and daughter .