
  1. 早在4月份,CJE&M还与上述两家公司签署了协议,将与电影《阿凡达》(Avatar)的导演兼制作人詹姆斯・卡梅隆(JamesCameron)联合制作一部3D中国史诗大片。

    In April , it also signed with the two companies to produce a 3-D Chinese historical epic , along with ' Avatar ' director-producer James Cameron .

  2. 中国史诗的多元传统与史诗研究的多重维度

    Multiple Traditions of Chinese Epics and Multiple Dimensions of Epic Studies

  3. 中国史诗级战争电影《八佰》将于今天在北美部分影院上映。

    Chinese war epic " The Eight Hundred " will launch in limited theatrical release in North America today .

  4. 另一方面,要反思田野、回归文本,促进中国史诗研究方式的不断创新。

    On the other hand , we must reconsider the field the return text promotes the Chinese epic poem research way unceasing innovation .

  5. 两位名不见经传的英国电影制片人,在德比郡为中国史诗战争动作片《英雄帝国》拍了一支预告片,希望能够成功吸引来好莱坞的注意。

    Two unknown British filmmakers have captured the imagination of Hollywood with a trailer filmed in Derbyshire for their action war epic The Lost Emperor .

  6. “南方史诗传统与中国史诗学建设:钟敬文先生访谈录”,《中国〈格萨尔〉》(第1集),中国民族摄影艺术出版社。

    " Southern epic traditions and the theoretical construction of Epic Studies in china : an interview with Professor Zhong jingwen ," in china 's epic gesar , vol.1 , pp74-79 . beijing : china ethnic photographic art press .

  7. 中国当代史诗创作资源论

    On the Resources for Epic Novel Writing in Modern China

  8. 中国缺少史诗的传统,不过,在少数民族地区却有着大量的民族创世史诗和英雄史诗,这些史诗以说唱的形式流传。

    In ancient China ( absolutly said ) is not epic , but it has a large ethnic minority areas in the national epic to epic poetry and rap in the form of spread .

  9. 唐代咏三国诗是中国咏史诗中的奇葩,也是三国题材演化史上的一环,其中寓含着丰厚的文化意蕴,从中可透视有唐一代士人群体的时代文化心态。

    The poetry on the Three Kingdoms is a wonderful flower of art in Chinese poetry on history , it contains abundant connotation of culture , from which we can detect the psychology of the scholars in Tang Dynasty .

  10. 论中国现代文学史诗意识的建构

    On the Construction of Epic Ideology in Modern Chinese Literature

  11. 中国古代咏史诗的历史阐释方式与历史观念

    Historical Interpretation Way and Historical View of Ancient Chinese Poems on History

  12. 最终创立中国风格的史诗学派。

    Eventually , creating of the epic Chinese style school .

  13. 中国古代咏史诗百年研究回顾

    Retrospection of the Hundred Year 's Research on Ancient China 's History Poems

  14. 中国古代咏史诗可以归纳为感史诗、述史诗和议史诗这三种主要类型,各自有其不同的历史阐释方式。

    Ancient Chinese poems on history can be classified into poems exclaiming history , poems narrating history and poems commenting history , each with different historical interpretation way .

  15. 蔡大嫂的具有丰富的文化内涵的贫民形象的出现,为中国现代小说史诗性追求开辟了一条新道路。

    The appearance of Aunt Cai in the figure of a poor peasant , with abundant cultural intension paves a new way for Chinese modern novels in pursuit of poeticness in novels .

  16. 中国三大史诗之一、素有“国宝”之称的柯尔克孜族英雄史诗《玛纳斯》汉译基本完成。

    The translation into Chinese of the Manass , one of China 's three great epics and an epic of the Kirgiz people in Xinjiang long known as a " national treasure ," was nearly completed .

  17. 中国历史的这段时期是历史学家、诗人和剧作家持续热衷的对象,时隔大约1200年后,罗贯中利用有关的丰富的文学遗产,创作了叙事作品《三国演义》。这部作品深奥微妙、引人注目,已经成为中国的民族史诗。

    This decisive period in Chinese history became a subject of intense and continuing interest to historians , poets , and dramatists . Writing some 1 200 years later , Luo Guanzhong drew on this rich literary heritage to fashion a sophisticated , compelling narrative that has become the Chinese national epic .