
  • 网络Chinese calligraphy;chinese calligraphy art
  1. 试探佛教对中国书法艺术的影响

    An Initial Probe into the Influence of Buddhism On Chinese Calligraphy

  2. 佛经刻写与中国书法艺术的发展

    The Engraving of Buddhist Sutra and the Development of Chinese Calligraphy Art

  3. 中国书法艺术形成原因探析

    Analysis on Reasons of How Chinese Art of Calligraphy formed

  4. 中国书法艺术中蕴涵的辩证唯物主义思想。

    The paper analyzes the dialectical materialist thought embodied in Chinese calligraphy .

  5. 中国书法艺术对现代设计艺术的影响

    The impact of Chinese art of calligraphy on art of modern design

  6. 书法由来见性真&陈独秀与中国书法艺术

    Calligraphy : Mirror of Personality & CHEN Du xiu and Chinese Calligraphic Art

  7. 谈中国书法艺术在现代标志设计中的运用

    Study On Chinese Calligraphy Art And Modern Logo Design

  8. 碑志记录了中国书法艺术的流传与演变。

    The inscription on the tablet records the spreading and evolution of Chinese calligraphy .

  9. 中国书法艺术的奠基

    The Laying of Foundation for Chinese Calligraphy

  10. 中国书法艺术的形而上学意义

    Metaphysics Sense of China Calligraphy Art

  11. 中国书法艺术的两大系统。

    Chinese calligraphy has two systems .

  12. 中国书法艺术中的势

    The Potency in Chinese Calligraphy Art

  13. 其次,中国书法艺术作为线条艺术,它影响了明式家具的线条的造型。

    Secondly , Chinese calligraphy art has influenced the lines model of Ming furniture as lines art .

  14. 书贵本色&试析中国书法艺术的本色美

    Calligraphy are valued for its true qualities & analysis of beauty of the true qualities of calligraphy art

  15. 再其次,中国书法艺术的美学原理影响了明式家具的结构和风格取向。

    Thirdly the theory of Chinese calligraphy art has influenced the structure and style orientation of Ming furniture .

  16. 这其中,帝王书法以其独特艺术魅力,在中国书法艺术中产生着深远的影响。

    And among these , the emperors'calligraphy has made a deep effect on the history of Chinese calligraphy art .

  17. 从20世纪初王国维引进西方美学并与中国书法艺术初步融合开始,20世纪的书法美学迈向了具有西方现代知识范型意义的美学研究进程。

    The early 20th century witnessed the preliminary convergence of Chinese calligraphy and western aesthetics introduced by Wang Guowei .

  18. 中国书法艺术常提到“气”,气乃书法之真谛所在。

    The " spirit " often mentioned in Chinese calligraphy art , the spirit is the true essence in calligraphy .

  19. 它的成功,必将不断地推动中国书法艺术的发展,并一直作为后世书法艺术创作的一个参照。

    This success will continuously promote the growth of Chinese calligraphy , and also be a reference for the coming generations .

  20. 这正是中国书法艺术精神的核心,主宰着千百年来书法风格的流向。

    This is exactly the core of Chinese calligraphy art and it dominates the trend of calligraphy styles through the ages .

  21. 中国书法艺术作为传统文化的核心组成部分,直接影响着中国山水画艺术的发展进程。

    As the central part of Chinese traditional culture , Chinese calligraphy has direct influence on the development of Chinese Landscape painting .

  22. 对他们三位杰出艺术家的书法师承关系及其共性和个性等的深入探讨和研究,足以看到推进中国书法艺术史良性发展的动力所在。

    Discussing their commonness and their individualities can help us to find out the impetus for the positive development of Chinese calligraphy art .

  23. 中国书法艺术和中国绘画艺术在漫漫数千年的中华书画发展史中,相互依赖、相互借鉴和促进。

    During their long history of development , the art of Chinese calligraphy and traditional painting gained progress through mutual dependence and reference .

  24. 首先,中国书法艺术作为每个时代的中心艺术,它影响和带动了每个时代的建筑和家具风格。

    First of all , Chinese calligraphy art influence and drive the style of building and furniture as the center art of each era .

  25. 在这门课里,你将跟随老师学习书法,深入理解中国书法艺术的文化内涵。

    In this course , you will follow the teacher to learn calligraphy , and try to comprehend the spirit of Chinese art of calligraphy .

  26. 这对于深刻领悟马克思主义哲学的博大精神,对于学习书法,开拓中国书法艺术新的发展空间,有一定的指导意义。

    It can help people to understand the broad spirit of Marxist philosophy , which is the guidance to learn calligraphy and to explore Chinese calligraphy arts .

  27. 本文尝试从另外一种角度,即禅宗美学的特质和中国书法艺术的内在理路的相通之处去研究。

    This article attempts to understand it from another angle , namely from the intrinsic logic of the special characteristic of the Dhyana esthetics and the Chinese calligraphy art .

  28. 以“写”的两个意义为切点,运用字源学、词义学的方法,来揭示中国书法艺术的本质特征。

    This paper takes the two senses of the character Xie as the point of departure and , by using etymology and semantics , reveals the characteristic features of Chinese calligraphy .

  29. 当代中国书法艺术现代性的艺术表达机制主要体现在:艺术话语、审美意象和艺术意象呈现出一种多重叠合与共振的特征;

    The artistic expression mechanism of the modernism of contemporary Chinese calligraphy mainly reflects on the following aspects : features of multiple coincidence and resonance of artistic discourse , aesthetics and artistic image ;

  30. 中国书法艺术是民族精英艺术,发展书法艺术,提升民族精神质量,是现代书法艺术的历史使命和发展方向。

    The Chinese calligraphy art is our national elite art . Developing the calligraphy art , and promoting national spiritual quality , is a history mission of modern calligraphy art and its developing direction .