
  • 网络Traditional Chinese Medicine;TCM;traditional chinese medicine and pharmacy
  1. 再谈新世纪中医药学发展和人才培养问题

    Re discussion on TCM Development and Personnel Training in New Century

  2. 怎样的发展才是符合中医药学固有规律的发展?

    How to develop TCM that consistent with its inherent rule ?

  3. 在文献[3]中,G.中医药学的未来走向

    In 1978 , G. Future Trend of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  4. 循证医学及其在中医药学研究中的应用

    Proof-based Medicine and Its Application in the Study of Chinese Medicine

  5. 汉语言文字与中医药学的审美思维

    On the Aesthetic Approaches of Chinese Language and Traditional Chinese Medicine

  6. 从文本中提取信息中医药学的未来走向

    EXTRACTING INFORMATION FROM TEXTS Future Trend of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  7. 整体医学时代与中医药学发展和创新

    Development and innovation of macroscopical medical time and TCM theory

  8. 新的世纪新的契机&略论中医药学的发展

    New Century New Opportunity & On the development of TCM

  9. 展望21世纪中医药学发展前景

    Prospect of the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the 21st century

  10. 试论中医药学的特点和优势

    A discussion characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and herbal Science

  11. 生殖文化对中医药学的影响

    Effect of reproduction reproduction culture on teh traditional Chinese Medicine

  12. 中医药学是中国传统医学理论的瑰宝。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine is a treasure of traditional Chinese medical theory .

  13. 对纳米结合医学及中医药学的思考

    Thoughts on Nanometer Combined Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine

  14. 中医药学的未来走向因特网在医药学研究中的应用

    Future Trend of Traditional Chinese Medicine Application of Internet in Iatrology and Pharmacology

  15. 21世纪&中医药学走向世界之契机

    21st Century & The Opportunity for Traditional Chinese Medicine Marching to the World

  16. 方剂学在中医药学中占有重要位置,方剂是中医药学理、法、方、药的一个重要组成部分,其配伍规律有着深刻的科学内涵。

    Science of prescriptions is one of the important basic courses in TCM .

  17. 中医药学文献英译规律中词汇学特点分析

    Analysis of Lexicology Characteristics of English Translation Rules in Traditional Chinese Medical Literature

  18. 我国传统的中医药学及针灸推拿也被纳入这一范畴。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine , acupuncture , and message were included in CAM .

  19. 分子中医药学的建立与发展

    Establishment and Development of Molecular Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

  20. 中医药学文本英译规律探讨

    On the Laws of the Translation of TCM Texts

  21. 中医药学有着独特的理论体系和丰富的临床实践。

    Traditional Chinese medicine is unique in theory and rich in clinical practice .

  22. 中医药学高等教育国际化的机遇与发展探讨

    A Discussion on the Opportunity and Development of Internationalization of TCM Higher Education

  23. 中医药学发展的现实情况,根本在管理,本质在教育。

    The development of TCM is based on management with its core in education .

  24. 基因科学和21世纪中医药学的走向

    Gene Science and TCM Trend in 21st Century

  25. 对美国医学、护理院校进行中医药学教育的建议

    The suggestions on offering TCM education in medical colleges and nursing colleges of U.S.A

  26. 侧重从中医药学角度,阐述对中医药学高等教育本质的认识。

    Here it expounds the understanding of the nature on higher education of TCM .

  27. 评《中医药学名词》中的对应英文名词

    Comments on the English Equivalents of Chinese Terms in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy

  28. 从中医药学的历史看中医药研究的发展方向

    Views on the Development History of TCM Research

  29. 论中医药学境外办学的发展

    On the development of running schools of Chinese medicine in other foreign regions & countries

  30. 中医药学学术本质是自然科学与社会科学交融,具有科学与人文的双重属性。

    TCM integrates natural and social science and therefore has both scientific and humanistic nature .