
  • 网络Form;sixth form
  1. 至于中六课程,则让学生为日后升学、就业和适应成人生活作好准备。

    The sixth form curriculum prepares students for further education , employment and adult life .

  2. 课程发展议会负责就幼稚园至中六课程发展的相关事宜,向政府提供意见。

    The Curriculum Development Council ( CDC ) advises the Government on matters relating to school curriculum development from kindergarten to the sixth form .

  3. 其来自六方相GaN的E2声子模,可作为识别立方GaN中六方相的标志。

    The E 2 phonon from hexagonal phase can be used to identify the hexagonal phase .

  4. Keggin离子改性凹凸棒石对废水中六价铬的吸附研究

    Study on Absorption of Cr ( VI ) in Wastewater by Keggin ion Modified Attapulgite Clay

  5. 4月7日,东京电力公司(TEPCO)开始向核电站中六个损坏的反应堆的其中之一注入氮气,这令那些忧虑开始重新浮出水面。

    These worries resurfaced on April 7th when TEPCO started to inject nitrogen into one of the plant 's six stricken reactors .

  6. 皮革中六价铬含量的IUC-18测定法

    The study of determination Cr ( VI ) in leather samples by IUC-18 procedure

  7. 建立了逆固相基质分散净化和气质联机法(GC-MS)快速、简便测定土壤中六氯苯(HCB)残留量的方法。

    A quick , easy , cheap , effective , rugged and safe method was improved to analyze hexachlorobenzene ( HCB ) residues in soils by dispersive solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC-MS ) .

  8. 介绍用FTV2700型氦离子化气相色谱仪分析氙气中六氟乙烷含量的方法。

    A new method employing model FTV2700 helium ionized gas chromatographic analyzer to analyze the hexafluoroethane ( C2F6 ) content in xenon is described .

  9. 介绍了氮中六氟化硫标准气体重量配制、纯度分析以及不确定度的合成方法,给出了根据ISO-6142及GB/T5274&1985而得到不确定度的合成数据和最终不确定度1%的评价结果。

    This paper reviewed the methods of gravimetric for sulphur hexafluoride calibration gases and purity analysis and uncertainty combination , at the same time , we obtain the combination is dates of uncertainty based on ISO-6142 and GB / T 5274-1985.The combination uncertainty is 1 % .

  10. 二氧化硫还原废水中六价铬的试验研究

    Test Study of Using Sulfur Dioxide to Reduce Chromium in Wastewater

  11. LC-MS/MS测定牛奶中六种青霉素类抗生素残留

    Residue Analysis of Six Penicillins in Milk by LC-MS / MS

  12. 因此,本系统为实际工程中六自由度检测的应用奠定了基础。

    Therefore , this system establishes basis for practical project application .

  13. 皮革中六价铬含量测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation of measurement uncertainty in determination of chromium (ⅵ) in leather

  14. 线性的医学图像边界检测方法中六种算子的比较

    Comparison among six linear methods in edge detection of medical image

  15. 心阻抗图波形重建中六导联电极带的设计

    The Design of Six-Connected-Electorde Band for Reestablishing Cardiac Impedance Plethysmography

  16. 连续流动分析法测定水质中六价铬的方法研究

    Determination of hexavalent chromium in water by air - segmented continuous flow-analysis

  17. 成人脑组织中六种微量元素的含量及分布

    The contents and distribution of six kinds of Microelements in adult brain

  18. 土壤中六氯苯的老化特征及其在蚯蚓体内的富集规律

    Hexachlorobenzene : Its aging characteristic in different soils and accumulation in earthworm

  19. 碳羟基磷灰石除废水中六价铬的吸附性能研究

    Study on adsorption properties of carbonate hydroxyapatite for hexavalent chrome in wastewater

  20. 十种生物性物质中六种矿物质的分析评价

    Evaluation on analysis of six minerals in ten biologic materials

  21. 皮革制品中六价铬(Cr~(6+))产生的原因及检测

    Formation Cause Analysis and Determination methods of Chromium (ⅵ) in Leather Products

  22. 电子电气产品中六类有害物质含量的检测方法

    Procedures for the Determination of Levels of Six Regulated Substance in Electrotechnical Products

  23. 硫酸盐体系三价铬镀液中六价铬离子的积累及去除

    Accumulation and elimination of hexavalent chromium ions in sulfate trivalent chromium electroplating bat

  24. 关于皮革中六价铬问题的制革过程分析与实践控制

    Process analysis and practice controlling in leather making on chrome (ⅵ) in leather

  25. 镀镍溶液中六价铬杂质的测定

    Determination of Chrome (ⅵ) Impurity in Ni Plating Solution

  26. 此项奖学金颁发给东华三院所属中学的中六及中七级学生。

    The fellowship is awarded to higher form students of TWGHs Secondary Schools .

  27. 丁香假单胞菌中六个致病变种的全细胞蛋白质电泳分析

    Electrophoretic Analysis of Whole - Cell Protein of Six Pathovars in Pseudomonas syringae

  28. 硫化钠对高冰镍中六方硫镍矿的抑制行为研究

    Effect of sodium sulfide on flotation behavior of HEAZLEWOODITE in high nickel matte

  29. 脐带血血清中六种微量元素含量的研究

    A Quantitative Analysis of Six Kinds Trace Element in Serum of Umbilical Cord Blood

  30. 大部分学生不能在原校升读中六。

    Most students were not to get into Form Six in their own schools .