
  • 网络Quartet on the Middle East
  1. 中东问题有关四方要求立即停火,而且停火协议必须得到全面遵守。

    They call for an immediate cease-fire that would be fully respected .

  2. 而假如哈马斯默许和谈,它就将朝着接受中东问题有关四方提出的条件不断迈进。

    And if Hamas acquiesces , it will have set itself on the path towards accepting the Quartet conditions .

  3. 国务院临时发言人杜吉德对记者们说,中东问题有关四方声明的措辞是很重要的。

    In a talk with reporters here , State Department Acting Spokesman Gordon Duguid said the Quartet 's wording is critical .