
  • 网络Bruno Wu;Zeng Wu
  1. 而制作了詹姆斯•邦德(JamesBond)系列影片的PinewoodShepperton近期则与企业家吴征(BrunoWu)掌管的七星媒体(SevenStarsMedia)达成了合资协议。

    Pinewood Shepperton , home of the James Bond films , recently struck a deal with Seven Stars Media , a private company controlled by entrepreneur Bruno Wu .

  2. 但中国媒体大腕、投资家吴征却逆向而动。

    But Bruno Wu , a big-name Chinese media entrepreneur and investor , is moving in the opposite direction .

  3. 46岁的吴征是阳光红岩投资集团(SunRedrockInvestment)总裁,该公司是中国最大的私人媒体投资集团之一。

    Wu , 46 , is chairman of sun redrock investment , one of the largest privately-held media investment groups in China .

  4. 她和她的丈夫吴征是中国最为富有的夫妻之一,《福布斯》估计他们的财富价值在3亿美元左右。

    She and her husband , Bruno Wu , are one of China 's richest couples ; Forbes has estimated their wealth at about $ 300 million .