
zhōnɡ zhuǎn ɡǎnɡ
  • Transit port;port of transshipment;entreport
  1. 基于AHP的国际集装箱中转港综合竞争力比较

    Comparative study on comprehensive competitiveness based on AHP appraisal of international container transit ports

  2. 我国北方集装箱中转港的评价

    Evaluation of the container transfer transportation port in north China

  3. 宁波港是我国著名的深水良港,也是国家重点开发建设的四大国际深水中转港之一。

    Ningbo Port is a famous deep-water port in China , which is also one of the four key developing international ports .

  4. 宝钢马迹山矿石中转港工程中的外海大直径嵌岩桩施工是工程中的关键技术问题。

    The construction of offshore large diameter rock embedded piles is a key technical issue for Majishan Ore Transshipment Terminal at Baoshan Steel & Iron Corporation .

  5. 大型中转港码头均拟建在近海的深水区,码头傍依的海岛基岩起伏大,桩基工程地质条件复杂。

    All wharfs of Large-sized transshipment ports are built in offshore deepwater zone with rising and falling bedrock and complex geological conditions for construction of pile base .

  6. 第一章分析了物流园区的发展状况及启示,为嘉兴市铁水中转港物流园区的建设提供了经验教训。

    Chapter one analyses the development situation of Logistics parks , which provide lots of experiences for Logistics Park 's construction of Jia Xing Tie Shui Transit Harbor .

  7. 本文简要分析了青岛港建设集装箱中转港的必要性,阐明了国际集装箱中转港的内涵和形成条件,进而提出了青岛港建设国际集装箱中转港的战略措施。

    The article exerts analysis on the necessity of building an international container transit port in Qingdao , states on the contents and conditions and puts forth the strategic measures .

  8. 随着运输方式向集装箱化的发展和集装箱运输中转港概念的引入,建设集装箱中转港日趋重要,而建设小型集装箱喂给港则成为了集装箱中转港建设的重要补充。

    With the development of containerization and the introduction of the concept of transfer port , it 's more important to build the container transshipping port , whereas , the construction of feeding mini-port becomes an important supplement of the former .

  9. 基于此,本文在第四章准确分析铁水中转港物流园区的功能定位,提出铁水中转港物流园区的建设总战略和具体建设步骤,以及园区发展的融资策略和政府方面的支持。

    Based on above stated chapters , chapter four concisely analyses the function positioning of Tie Shui Transit Harbor 's Logistics Part . This chapter also provides the strategic plan and actual procedure for this Logistics Park and shows the financing policy and government support for the Park 's development .

  10. 宁波港作为国家重点开发的四大国际深水中转枢纽港,具有发展现代物流业难得的条件。

    Ningbo as one of the four key international transit hub ports , has the rare condition for the development of modem logistics industry .