
sī róng
  • velvet;velour;pile;velutum
丝绒 [sī róng]
  • [velvet] 丝、棉或其他纤维在同种原料或不同原料的紧密底布上作成短密毛绒的织物,可用作妇孺服装和装饰织物

丝绒[sī róng]
  1. 这料子摸起来像丝绒。

    This material feels like velvet .

  2. 苔藓软如丝绒。

    Moss is soft like velvet .

  3. 丝绒摸起来很柔滑。

    Velvet feels smooth .

  4. 她穿着一件紫红色的丝绒晚礼服。

    She wears a wine velvet evening dress .

  5. 在他的回忆录《向南重游旧地》(SouthtoaVeryOldPlace)中,他描述了睡在她“红丝绒窗帘遮挡,弥漫着厚重香薰的病房,这哥特风格房间有着牛里脊般的质感”。

    in his memoir , " South to a Very Old Place , " he describes sleeping in her " red-velvet-draped , tenderloin-gothic , incense-sultry sickroom . "

  6. 肯耶·韦斯特(KanyeWest)身穿红色丝绒连身衣,带着细细的金链,在昏暗的灯光下延长了《唯一》(OnlyOne),他的声音被电子乐包裹着。

    Kanye West , dressed in a velvety red jumpsuit and a thin gold chain , was barely illuminated by a low spotlight as he sang " Only One , " his voice warped by electronics .

  7. 形态学及分子鉴定结果表明,ASD菌株在PDA培养基上菌落丝绒状,菌丝初为白色至土黄色,偶有透明液渗出。

    The morphology and molecular determinations show that the ASD strain is velvet on PDA medium . The early myceliums vary from white to khaki , occasionally exude transparent liquid .

  8. 那年他19岁,还住在英格兰。他的经纪人从美国回来,从安迪·沃霍尔手里拿到了一张《地下丝绒和尼科》(TheVelvetUndergroundandNico)的唱片给他。

    When he was 19 and still living in England , his manager , back from the States , gave him an acetate record of " The Velvet Underground and Nico , " obtained directly from Andy Warhol .

  9. 一次,出席奥斯卡颁奖礼路上,他带着米歇尔·菲利普斯(MichellePhillips)出现在我们1712号的家里(后来他们在道师城结婚,婚姻只维持了八天),两人穿着配套的丝绒衣服。

    One day he showed up at our house at 1712 with Michelle Phillips ( before marrying her in Taos for eight days ) on his way to the Academy Awards . They were dressed in matching velvet ensembles .

  10. 选用国内CP类阻燃剂TLC-512和CFR-201对棉底人丝绒进行整理,织物的阻燃性良好,但强力损失较大。

    Cotton-back rayon velvet finished with domestic flame retardant agents TLC-512 and CFR-201 ( CP series ) shows excellent flame retardancy , but much loss in its strength .

  11. 后来他们出版了自己的同好杂志《发条香蕉》(BananeMecanique),其中第一期是把电影《发条橙》(AClockworkOrange)的海报和专辑《地下丝绒乐队与妮可》(TheVelvetUnderground&Nico)的封面糅在了一起。

    Later , they 'd produce their own fanzine , Banane M canique ( Clockwork Banana ) , the first issue of which featured a mash-up of the poster for A Clockwork Orange and the cover of the album The Velvet Underground & Nico .

  12. 本公司主要生产蚂蚁布,蚂蚁绒,缩丝绒,KS布,经编印花布,网眼布,珊瑚绒,丝光绒,以及各种玩具绒,沙发面料等。

    This company mainly produces ant cloth , velvet ants , velvet shrinkage , KS cloth , printed cloth warp , mesh cloth , coral velvet , mercerized velvet , and a variety of toys velvet , sofa fabric and so on .

  13. 正当我在套间旁边的烛光餐厅吃着美味的咖喱羊肉之际,一位红发雪肤的女人从一道隐蔽的阶梯上款款而下,她身穿带褶皱的丝绒长裙,戴着大号太阳镜——正是这里的女主人海尔格·佩莱拉(HelgaPerera)。

    While eating my excellent curried lamb in the candlelit dining room connected to my suite , a red-haired , pale-skinned woman in a crushed velvet dress and oversized sunglasses materialized from an unseen staircase . This was the proprietress , Helga Perera .

  14. 宝丝绒纤维和纱线的成功漂白和染色使宝丝绒的应用范围大大拓宽。

    The successful bleaching and dyeing broadens the using of nee .

  15. 丝绒织机割刀机构原理分析

    Theorem analysis of the cut pile mechanism on the velvet loom

  16. 这些象牙雕刻衬着黑丝绒会很好看。

    These ivory carvings will show off well against black velvet .

  17. 丛林铺展在他的脚下,象一片绿丝绒那么毛茸茸的。

    The jungle spread beneath him in a green velvet nap .

  18. 星星在黑丝绒一般的夜空里闪烁。

    Stars were twinkling in the back velvet of the night .

  19. 丝绒剪毛机及剪毛刀硬齿面齿轮的刮削加工

    Shearer and Cutter for Velvet Skiving Machining of Hard Surface Gear

  20. 远红外功能性羊绒、丝绒织物整理工艺的研究

    Investigation of finishing technique of cashmere and velour with far-infrared function

  21. 丝绒床上没有致富之路。

    The way to bliss lies not on bed of down .

  22. 略小的美洲树,有丝绒般的小树枝,叶表较低。

    Smallish American tree with velvety branchlets and lower leaf surfaces .

  23. GB/T13843-1992蓝宝石单晶抛光衬底片黑丝绒衬底上的钻石项链

    Polished monocrystalline sapphire substrates diamond necklaces on a background of black velvet

  24. 湖的上方则是白丝绒般的云朵,飘浮于蔚蓝的苍穹。

    Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds .

  25. 这个窗帘的原料不是丝绒,而是涤卡。

    This curtain is made of velvet rather than Dacron .

  26. 双层丝绒绒地组织的合理配置

    A Proper Setup of Ground of Double - Layer Velvet

  27. 一次,奶奶送给小姑娘一顶用丝绒做的小红帽,戴在她的头上正好合适。

    Once she gave her a little cap made of red velvet .

  28. 后来我们以一种昂贵和华丽的方式穿着这种裤子,它主要是各种颜色的丝绒喇叭裤。

    Then we wore them pricy and posh in flared neon velour .

  29. 用于打磨或抛光的钢丝绒的垫子。

    Pad of steel wool used for polishing or smoothing .

  30. 他的惆怅的声音如丝绒般温柔。

    His voice is wistful , as soft as velvet .