
  • 网络Dongba Culture
  1. 吞口娃娃吞口来自东巴文化。

    Tun Tun mouth from the mouth doll Dongba culture .

  2. 纳西族东巴文化与风水信仰

    Naxi Nationality : Dongba Culture Religion of Geomantic Omen

  3. 非物质文化旅游资源,应重点开发东巴文化、纳西古乐和民间歌舞。

    Dongba culture , Naxi ancient music and folk dance should be developed as intangible cultural resources .

  4. 诚朴忠厚、诚信待人的人生准则以及崇尚自然、人与自然协调发展的人文生态观念等等,这也是东巴文化伦理观的现代价值之所在。

    To conduct with good faith and sincerity ; and to respect nature , to achieve the harmony between nature and human being .

  5. 东巴文化同世界上其他民族的古文化一样,也是一种宗教文化,是由东巴世代传承下来的纳西族古文化。

    Dongba culture with the world , ancient cultures of other nations , just as a religion and culture is handed down from generation to generation by the Dongba culture of Naxi ancient .

  6. 纳西族东巴文化举世闻名,是现代和当代国际纳西学热和纳西族地区旅游大潮汹涌的一个最重要的促成因素。

    Naxi ' Dongba culture is well world-famous , It is the modern and contemporary international Naxi study heat and the surging tide of regional tourism one of the most important contributing factors .

  7. 纳西族在逐渐融入国家政治体系,实现本民族发展的过程中,融合了佛教、道教、儒学、民间巫术等多元文化,创造了以东巴文化为主干的纳西文化。

    During the process of entering into the nation 's political system and realizing the national development , Naxi nationality by melting together multi-culture , such as Buddhism , Taoism , Confucianism , Superstition etc , created Naxi culture , in which Dong Ba culture is a very important part .