
  1. 蜀都东大门&简阳

    Jianyang : East gateway to Chengdu

  2. 上海作为国际港口,是中国对外开展旅游交往的东大门。

    As an international port , Shanghai is a gateway in East China for developing tourist Business .

  3. 余杭区是杭州市八个行政区之一,是杭州市通往上海和江苏方向的东大门。

    Yuhang & one of eight administrative districts under Hangzhou , and the East Gate opening to Shanghai and Jiangsu .

  4. 你可以在第四站下车,然后就能看到世博园的东大门。

    You may get off at the fourth stop , then you can see the east gate of the Expo park .

  5. 华丽的灯火和拥挤人群的东大门市场夜景比白天更绚丽。

    Gorgeous lights and hustle the east front door market night view of the crowd to compare more gorgeous in the daytime .

  6. 如鸟斯革,如翚斯飞&浅谈湖南民俗村东大门设计

    Balanced as a Bird Hovering , Gaudy as a Pheasant Displaying & Design of the Eastern Gate of the Hunan Folk Custom Park

  7. 富源县地处云南省东部,享有云南东大门之称,区位条件十分优越,并且拥有较为独特的旅游资源。

    Fuyuan county lies in the east of Yunnan province , and it named East gate of Yunnan . There are lots of special tourist resources in Fuyuan .

  8. 到了函谷关(在现在河南省灵宝县,当时是秦国的东大门)正是半夜。

    It was just midnight when they arrived at the Hangu Pass ( in today 's Lingbao County in Henan Province , which was the east gate of the State of Qin ) .

  9. 明故宫地区已形成一条南京东大门城市轴线的历史文化景观带,但遗址被道路分割,使得整个环境不完整。

    Nanjing Ming Palace district has developed a city axis with historical cultural landscape of Nanjing east entrance . However , the district is parted by the roads that makes the whole environment incomplete .

  10. 肥东,既是合肥的东大门,又是安徽省“东向发展”的桥头堡,更是“长三角”向西延伸必经的黄金宝地!

    Feidong serves not only as the east gate of Hefei , but also as the bridgehead for the " eastward development ", moreover , it is a golden place for the " Yangtze River Delta Economy " to extend westward !

  11. 拥有美国东海岸最大的海港和三大机场,纽约是美国东海岸的大门,拥有超过700万的人口。

    With the largest seaport on the East Coast of America and three major airports , New York is both the gateway to the Eastern United States and the home to over seven million people .