
dōnɡ yìn dù
  • the East Indies
  1. 在太平洋,那里已经有一个叫“东印度”的岛屿。

    There were already islands called " the East Indies " in the Pacific Ocean .

  2. 槟榔:两种不同植物的总称,在南亚和东印度,人们广泛把它们拿来咀嚼。

    Betel Either of two different plants that are widely used in combination for chewing purposes in southern Asia and the East Indies .

  3. 英国东印度茶业公司摊子大、开支多,已濒临破产。

    The British East India Tea Company was overextended and faced bankruptcy

  4. 东印度公司(eastindiacompany)就曾扮演了服务于英国外交政策的商业机构。

    The East India Company served as the business arm of British foreign policy .

  5. 东印度公司(eastindiacompany)的商业冒险曾促使英国入侵中国,从而引发了鸦片战争。

    The commercial Adventures of the East India Company compelled the British state to intervene in China , sparking the Opium Wars .

  6. 1772年,一场空前的危机击中了阿姆斯特丹:一家受人尊敬的荷兰投资银团对不列颠东印度公司(BritishEastIndiaCompany)股票的投资变成了一场灾难。

    No. This crisis hit Amsterdam in 1772 , after a respected Dutch investment syndicate made a disastrous bet on shares of the British East India Company .

  7. 这股荷兰的影响力以荷兰东印度公司(DutchEastIndiaCompany)(VOC)的贸易为起点,扩大到政治上的控制。

    The Dutch influence started with trading by the Dutch East India Company ( VOC ) expanded its region of influence and its grip on political matters .

  8. 1819年,托马斯・史丹福・莱佛士(SirThomasStamfordRaffles),一名英国东印度公司的官员,和柔佛苏丹签定一项条约,将新加坡作为一个贸易局和殖民点。

    In1819 , Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles , a British East India Company official , made a treaty with the Sultan of Johore and established Singapore as a trading post and settlement .

  9. 他年轻的被保护人由德国/东印度/巴基斯坦混血儿阿拉米斯·奈特(AramisKnight)饰演。

    and his young prot é g é is portrayed by a performer of German / East Indian / Pakistani descent ( Aramis Knight ) .

  10. 加尔各答(印度城市,原为Calcutta,现为Kolkata),由不列颠东印度公司1690年创立,目的在于挑战当地穆斯林霸主。随后,加尔各答开始与伦敦竞争大英帝国的最大大都会的头衔。

    Calcutta ( now Kolkata ) was set up in 1690 by a member of Britain 's East India Company , in defiance of the local Muslim overlord . It later vied with London as the biggest metropolis in the British empire .

  11. 尼泊尔与东印度公司于尼泊尔边界小州的竞争导致了英国―尼泊尔战争(1815C16)。尼泊尔战败。

    Rivalry between Nepal and the British East India Company over the annexation of minor states bordering Nepal led to the Anglo-Nepalese War ( 1815C16 ), in which Nepal suffered a complete rout .

  12. 东印度的贵重的光纤植物,现被广泛移植。

    Valuable fiber plant of East Indies now widespread in cultivation .

  13. 难闻的像仙人掌的植物的属;在非洲到东印度。

    Genus of evil-smelling cactus-like plants ; Africa to East India .

  14. 他们是为东印度公司工作的男劳工。

    They were men who worked for the East India Company .

  15. 产于缅甸和东印度的一种树,其木和红木相似。

    Tree of India and Burma yielding a wood resembling mahogany .

  16. 东印度用咖哩粉调味的汤,用肉或鸡肉作基料。

    E Indian curry-flavored soup with a meat or chicken base .

  17. 东印度公司银币在舟山的流通

    The Circulation of Silver Coins from East India Company in Zhoushan

  18. 东印度一种有用的深紫色树。

    East Indian tree having a useful dark purple wood .

  19. 东印度攀缘灌木,有弯曲的枝,根象蛇一样。

    East Indian climbing shrub with twisted limbs and roots resembling serpents .

  20. 东印度树种,浓密的可食果实和树叶。

    East Indian tree cultivated for its immense edible fruit and seeds .

  21. 该陆块很可能是东印度&东南极大陆。

    This source continent was likely the eastern India and eastern Antarctica .

  22. 从贸易到征服&论1813年以前英国东印度公司的殖民活动

    The British East India Company : From Trade to Conquest

  23. 东印度的一种观赏灌木,常被栽培于美国南部。

    Ornamental e.indian shrub commonly planted in southern United states .

  24. 1602年的今天,荷兰东印度公司成立。

    1602 – The Dutch East India Company is established .

  25. 签名的是东印度贸易公司的贝克勋爵。

    Lord Cutler Beckett of the East lndia trading company .

  26. 略论英国东印度公司对华茶叶贸易起源

    On the Origin Of the East India Company 's Tea Trade With China

  27. 一种东印度芙蓉属植物的纤维。

    Fiber from an East Indian plant Hibiscus cannabinus .

  28. 1600年英国东印度公司的建立是经济渗透的实例。

    The British East India Company established in 1600 .

  29. 来自东印度红色丝光木棉树,次于木棉。

    From the red silk-cotton tree of E India ; inferior to kapok .

  30. 东印度的灌木,由于其多毛的叶子和橘红色的花而载植。

    East Indian shrub often cultivated for its hairy leaves and orange-red flowers .