
  • 网络Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen;locusta migratoria manilensis;Locusta migratoria
  1. 采用毒力生物测定的方法,测定了600株从我国各地土壤和死虫等样品中分离的苏云金芽孢杆菌对东亚飞蝗的毒力。这些菌株几乎分布于已知的70个H血清型。

    The toxic activities of600 Bacillus thuringiensis strains isolated from soils and dead insects in China against Locusta migratoria manilensis were analyzed by using a virulent bioassay method .

  2. 基于前人研究成果,对中国东亚飞蝗发生的孕灾环境及其主要影响生态因素进行辨识。

    Based on previous researches , this paper analyzed the disaster-pregnant environments anti key ecological factors of Locusta migratoria manilensis outbreak in China .

  3. 遥感与GIS在东亚飞蝗灾害研究中的应用

    The application of remote sensing and GIS in monitoring East Asia locust hazards

  4. mRNA差异显示法筛选和克隆东亚飞蝗抗药性相关基因

    Screening and Cloning of the Oriental Migratory Locust-related Resistance Gene by mRNA Differential Display

  5. 基于GIS和GS的东亚飞蝗卵块空间格局的研究

    Spatial distribution of the Oriental migratory locust ( Orthoptera : Acrididae ) egg pods studied with GIS and GS

  6. 通过20对引物对不同种群东亚飞蝗基因组DNA进行的AFLP多态性检测,共得到1159条带,多态性比率平均为59.88%。

    There were 1159 loci bands from AFLP analysis in genome DNA among populations by 20 primer combinations , the average polymorphism ratio was 59.88 % .

  7. 东亚飞蝗发生区芦苇LAI的遥感反演及其尺度效应研究

    Study on Retrieval of Reed LAI and Scaling Effect in Occurrence Area of Oriental Migratory Locust Based on Remote Sensing Technology

  8. 转Bt基因棉挥发性气味的化学成分及其对棉铃虫的电生理活性东亚飞蝗不同来源聚集信息素的电生理活性

    Volatile compositions of transgenic Bt cotton and their electrophysiological effects on the cotton bollworm EAG responses of Oriental migratory locust to semiochemicals from different sources of the insect

  9. 虽然有关昆虫海藻糖酶基因的研究已经比较多,大量编码海藻糖酶的cDNA序列也得到了克隆,但是东亚飞蝗作为一种世界性的农业害虫,目前尚无相关研究报道。

    There have been many reports about trehalases in insects , the cDNA sequences encoding trehalase have also been cloned . The trehalase genes in locusts , a global agricultural pest , have not been studied .

  10. 分析了东亚飞蝗五龄幼虫不同组织器官Lm-TSP基因表达情况。

    Lm-TSP expression profile in different tissues of the fifth instar larvae is analyzed .

  11. 在准确反演LAI的基础上,根据两个时相LAI的变化进行东亚飞蝗灾害的监测,可以更准确地找出东亚飞蝗的危害范围与程度。

    On the basis of retrieving LAI exactly , it was found that the range and extent of locust occurrence can be find out more exactly according to the variation between two or more LAI remote sensing data .

  12. 两个种群酶活性的差异与马拉硫磷半致死剂量(LD50)的差异很相近,这提示酯酶活性的提高在东亚飞蝗对马拉硫磷的抗性中起一定的作用。

    The difference of LD_ ( 50 ) value for malathion between the two populations was consistent with the difference of esterase activities , suggesting that general esterases contributed to the malathion resistance of the two populations .

  13. PCR一SSCP分析时,凝胶的交联度对带型的清晰程度有很大的影响,非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱显示:以α乙酸萘酯为底物染色,2个东亚飞蝗种群谱带差别不明显。

    PCR-SSCP is the analysis method for denatured PCR produce in non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . No distinct difference was detected in banding patterns of general esterases between the two populations , when α - naphthyl acetate was used as substrate in non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( PAGE ) .

  14. 广西北海东亚飞蝗蝗情调查及防治实践

    Investigation into Eastasian Migratory Locust Pest and Prevent & Control Practice

  15. 翻耕蝗区土壤对东亚飞蝗蝗卵的影响

    Effects of Plowing Locust Area Soil on East Asian Locust Egg

  16. 东亚飞蝗种群数量中的调节机制

    The regulatory mechanism in population fluctuations of the Oriental Migratory Locust

  17. 广西东亚飞蝗蝗区研究

    Study on the area of Oriental Migratory Locust in Guangxi

  18. 东亚飞蝗中长期数量预测的研究

    Study on long - term prediction of locust population fluctuations

  19. 东亚飞蝗蝗区的结构与转化

    The structure and transformation of the Oriental locust breeding areas

  20. 浅论沿淮蝗区东亚飞蝗发生与防治对策

    The Occurrence of Asiatic Migratory Locust and Controlling Strategy

  21. 东亚飞蝗生境评价信息系统研究

    Study on Oriental Migratory Locust Habitat Assessing Information System

  22. 我国东亚飞蝗发生的气候背景及长期预测

    Climatological cause and long-term prediction of occurrence of East Asia migratory locusts in China

  23. 东亚飞蝗灾害的遥感监测机理与方法研究

    Study on Remote Sensing Mechanism and Methods for East Asian Migratory Locust Hazard Monitoring

  24. 黄河三角洲地区东亚飞蝗灾害及防御对策

    Disasters of Oriental Migratory Locust in the Delta Region of the Yellow River and Countermeasures

  25. 基于植被信息遥感反演的东亚飞蝗监测研究

    Research on the Monitoring Oriental Migratory Locust Based on Remote Sensing Retrieval of Vegetation Information

  26. 河北省东亚飞蝗发生动态及未来灾变趋势分析

    Analysis of population dynamics and trends of future outbreaks of the Oriental migratory locust in Hebei

  27. 生测实验表明干扰菌株对东亚飞蝗的致病力均显著低于野生型。

    Bioassay test showed that RNAi strain had a significant lower virulence than the wild type .

  28. 山东省是东亚飞蝗蝗灾重发区,蝗区面积大。

    Locust plague is the serious problem in Shandong Province , the occurring area are large .

  29. 遥感技术支持下东亚飞蝗发生与土壤水分含量关系研究

    Study on Relation between Oriental Migratory Locust and Soil Moisture Content Based on Remote Sensing Technology

  30. 利用低极性溶剂从东亚飞蝗粪便中制备得到的聚集信息素的活性较低;

    However , the activity of EAG of the pheromones prepared using low polarity solvents was lower .