
shì chóu
  • feud;blood feud;family feud;bitter enemy
世仇 [shì chóu]
  • (1) [family feud]∶世世代代有仇的人或家族

  • 世仇不报,决不罢休

  • (2) [bitter enemy]∶世代的仇怨

  • 他是我们家族的世仇

世仇[shì chóu]
  1. 两家从此结下世仇。

    The two families have been feuding ever since .

  2. 多年来他一直在寻求向莫里斯家族报世仇。

    For years he pursued a vendetta against the Morris family .

  3. 两个家族之间有世仇。

    The two families have been at feud with each other .

  4. 敌对党的成员相互凶杀的世仇。

    A feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other .

  5. 这两个家族有好多代的世仇了。

    The two families have been feuding with each other for many generations .

  6. 可是世仇可能会把我们分开。

    That old feuds might force us apart .

  7. 这两家的晚辈在试图缓解长久的世仇。

    The children of the two families are trying to smooth over a lengthy feud .

  8. 它对中国要更尊重一些,不过因边界问题,两者也是世仇。

    It treats China with more respect , but feuds with it about its border .

  9. 但是什麽对于提高松坂大辅的价钱有帮助都是好的,是美国世仇的对抗。

    But what helped to drive up Matsuzaka 's price was a good , old-fashioned American rivalry .

  10. 〔罗密欧与朱丽叶〕事,这个故事概述两个家族本是世仇敌对,经常会引发冲突。

    The story of " Romeo and Juliet " is about two feuding families who often fought .

  11. 他们彼此深深相爱,但双方坎普莱特和蒙塔古两个家族是世仇,怎能容许他们相爱。

    But their families , the Capulets and the Montagues , are enemies and will not allow them to be together .

  12. 世仇:回合结束阶段,玩家可以判定。如果是红桃,则获得额外的一个回合。

    Vendetta : players " draw !" at the end of their turn : on a Heart , they play an additional turn .

  13. 家人之间的关系神圣不可侵犯,即使有着仇深似海的家族世仇,亲属之间的关爱最终还是不会改变。

    Family ties are sacrosanct and , even in the midst of a bitter family feud , kin will ultimately always look out for kin .

  14. 《我意识里的怪癖》中发生了很多事情。有适时的生育与过早的夭亡、世仇与欺骗、无数心痛。

    A lot happens in " A Strangeness in My Mind . " There are timely births and untimely deaths , feuds and frauds , heartaches by the number .

  15. 这个农场主一家和他们在山谷另一边的邻居结下世仇,30年来一直相互射击,烧毁庄稼;似乎没完没了。

    The farmer and his family have been feuding with their neighbours on the other side of the valley for thirty years shooting each other and burning the crops ; there seems no end to it .