
  • 网络jordaan;Jordan;Thomas Jordan;Philip Yordan
  1. 之后我听了纽约特殊外科医院(HospitalforSpecialSurgery)运动医学专家约尔丹•梅茨尔博士(JordanMetzl)讲述他在第一次参加铁人三项赛时差点晕倒的事情。

    I then heard Jordan Metzl , a sports medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York , describe how he had nearly crashed during his first Ironman race .

  2. 这很容易理解为何海外各路买家最为青睐昔日工薪阶层聚居、如今已成高档住宅区的约尔丹,但此处又反差明显,到处弥漫着某种怪异氛围,与根深蒂固的因循守旧之风显得格格不入。

    It is easy to see why the perfectly gentrified , former working-class Jordaan is a favourite of overseas buyers , but it is also a place of contrast , with a pervasive , kooky atmosphere rather at odds with a deep-rooted conservatism .