
  • 网络negative emotion;unhealthy emotions
  1. 生活事件、应对方式对大学生不良情绪的影响

    The Study on the Relationship of Life Events , Coping Styles and Negative Emotion among College Students

  2. 结论:计划性的家庭访视可以提供对恶性肿瘤患者的社会心理支持,改善其不良情绪,提高患者的生活质量。

    CONCLUSION : Home visiting can provide society psychology support , improve negative emotion and QOL in patients with malignant tumor .

  3. 结果:治疗的4、8、12周末,SCL-90评分治疗组优于对照组,两组比较差异无显著性(P0.05),但治疗组在早期控制靶症状,改善不良情绪方面优于对照组。

    Results : Assessment of therapeutic group was higher than that in control group and recognition therapy combined with paroxetine can quickly treat target symptoms and improve ill emotion .

  4. 【思路】红字体部分对应51题关键词:人们遭受小挫折时,更容易哭泣。G)人们普遍声称,哭泣可以缓解紧张,平衡情绪,并提供“宣泄”,即将不良情绪发泄出来。

    eople are more inclined to cry when suffering minor forms of depression . G ) People widely report that crying relieves tension , restores emotional balance and provides " catharsis , " a washing out of bad feelings . The term " catharsis "

  5. 跟随Howcast这段视频了解一下可能干扰睡眠的几种常见不良情绪。

    Learn some common mood issues that cause trouble sleeping in this Howcast video .

  6. 结论:FAPS患者普遍存在抑郁焦虑等不良情绪,抗抑郁治疗能改善抑郁焦虑症状。

    CONCLUSION : FAPS patients are usually accompanied with bad emotions , such as depression or anxiety , which can be ameliorated by antidepressant therapy .

  7. 女大学生体育课中不良情绪的调节方法研究

    Adjustment of Unhealthy Mentality in Athletics Teaching among Female University Students

  8. 浅谈大学生的不良情绪及调适方法

    Briefly on the Students ' Ill - mood and its Adjustment

  9. 体育运动对不良情绪的调节作用

    The Effect of Sports on the Adjustment of Bad Mood

  10. 心理干预对烧伤患者疼痛及不良情绪的影响

    Effect on painess and unhealthful mood of burned patients by psychological intervention

  11. 武术套路运动员产生不良情绪的原因及调整方法研究

    On The Source And Regulating Ways Of Wushu Athletes ' Negative Moods

  12. 高中生不良情绪状态的特点研究

    Characteristics of Ill - Emotion in High School Students

  13. 女子垒球运动员竞赛中不良情绪的分析与对策

    Analysis of the Unhealthy Moods of Woman Softball Players in Competition and Countermeasures

  14. 学生不良情绪的教师知觉水平研究

    Teachers ' Perceptual Level of Students ' Unhealthy Emotions

  15. 这次谋杀在社区里引发了很多不良情绪。

    This murder has stirred a lot of ill feeling in the community .

  16. 专家们说,关于市场上产生这种不良情绪有如下几种解释。

    Experts say there are several explanations for ill feeling in the marketplace .

  17. 用正确、理性的认知模式管理压力与不良情绪;

    Using proper and rational methods to manage the stress and bad mood .

  18. 我还可以消除我的不良情绪状态,在所有排序的方式。

    I could also remove my bad emotional state in all sort of ways .

  19. 健康教育对子宫广泛切除术患者不良情绪状态的干预效应

    Interventional efficacy of health education in the ill emotion of patients after extensive hysterectomy

  20. 探讨心理干预对强直性脊柱炎患者不良情绪的影响作用。

    To probe into the influence of psychological intervention on the unhealthy emotion of them .

  21. 结果:小学生不良情绪存在地区差异和年级差异。

    Results : There were differences between regions and grades in ill-emotion of primary pupils .

  22. 手术前后患者的免疫功能与不良情绪呈显著负相关。

    There was significantly negative relationship between immune function and emotion status in patients group .

  23. 书法训练对军校大学生在紧张环境下的不良情绪有较好的调节效果。

    Calligraphy training had a positive effect on improving the adverse emotions of cadets under stress .

  24. 优秀的电影作品能够疏导不良情绪,帮助人们宣泄情感障碍。

    Excellent film can dredge bad mood , help people to give vent to emotional problems .

  25. 音乐有助缓解不良情绪。

    When we 're in a bad mood , music can help us deal with it .

  26. 做好心理护理,消除患者不良情绪,使其配合治疗。

    Make good psychological nursing , remove patients ' bad feeling and make them cooperate with doctors .

  27. 气功在理论和实践上都表明它对治疗不良情绪行之有效;

    Qigong has proved , in both theory and practice , its worth in alleviating negative emotions .

  28. 神经阻滞对髂腹下神经痛患者疼痛与不良情绪的双重改善作用

    Double ameliorative effect of nerve block on the pain and ill emotion of patients with iliohypogastric neuralgia

  29. 目的:探讨心理干预对烧伤患者疼痛和不良情绪的影响。

    Objective : To investigate effect on painess and unhealthful mood of burned patients by psychological intervention .

  30. 目的:研究我国小学生的不良情绪状况的年龄特点。

    Objective : The current study was conducted to explore the features of ill-emotion of primary pupils .