
  • 网络Uncertain reasoning;Uncertainty reasoning
  1. 专家系统中不确定推理模型研究

    Research on the Uncertainty Reasoning Model in the Expert System

  2. 一种不确定推理的网络入侵检测的设计与实现

    A Design and Implementation for an Uncertainty Reasoning Network Intrusion Detection System

  3. 在柔性逻辑的不确定推理中,N范数是一级运算的数理模型。

    N-norm is the mathematic model of1-level operation in uncertain reasoning .

  4. 借鉴确定性理论中的不确定推理,提出了一种新的P2P系统信任模型。

    This paper presents a novel global trust model based on confirmation theory .

  5. 基于区间估计的不确定推理模型BMI之性质分析

    Some Properties of the Interval Estimate-Based Uncertain Reasoning Model BMI

  6. 基于SPA的不确定推理模型

    Uncertain Reasoning Model Based on Set Pair

  7. 证据理论是由Dempster和Shafer于60~70年代提出的一种不确定推理方法,在专家系统中有着重要的应用价值。

    Evidence theory is a uncertain inference method introduced by Dempster and Shafer , which has important application in expert systems .

  8. 详细描述了如何对原逻辑系统的扩展以建立具有不确定推理能力的新的逻辑系统URS;

    The construction of a new logical system , URS , with uncertain reasoning function which is an extension of the classical logical system is described in details .

  9. 简介ECSS的主要特点和工作原理,着重叙述了ECSS的实时推理和不确定推理方法,并以仿真实例说明ECSS的应用。

    The methods of real time reasoning and uncertain reasoning are also described . In the end , a simulation instance is analyzed to express the application of ECSS .

  10. 本文详细讨论了一个实用专家系统的开发技术,主要包括:FL知识表示法、定量化模型、知识库的组织与维护方法以及不确定推理方法。

    His paper discussed a series of useful developing technologies of " SJ - 3 " expert system . Mainly includes the FL knowledge representation method , quantitative model , knowledge base organization and maintenance and the reasoning method under uncertainty .

  11. 以人工智能脉象辨识为科研背景,研制开发基于计算机的专家分析系统,包括基于ISA总线的A/D采集卡的研制、基于VxD技术的数据采集以及基于不确定推理的专家系统等。

    According to the needing of the scientific research , a computer analysis system is developed , including the A / D card based on ISA designed , data acquiring based on the technique of VxD ( virtual device driver ), AI system based on fuzzy logic .

  12. 区间值不确定推理真值传播的计算方法

    An Interval-valued Method to Compute Truth-value Propagation in Uncertainty Reasoning

  13. 证据确定性因子的求取是不确定推理的关键。

    Evaluating the evidence of certainty factor is the key of uncertainty reasoning .

  14. 概述了云模型与不确定推理;

    A cloud model and uncertain interference are introduced .

  15. 子专家系统应用不确定推理机制实现了快速的故障诊断。

    These sub-expert systems applied rule-based uncertain reasoning mechanism to realize fast fault diagnosis .

  16. 基于确定性理论的不确定推理方法研究

    Research of Uncertain Reasoning Based on Certain Theory

  17. 基于概率的多值逻辑相关不确定推理模型

    Probability-based multi-ary logical related uncertain reasoning models

  18. 能处理证据相关性的不确定推理模型

    Uncertain inference model of processing related evidence

  19. 一种新的基于区间估计的不确定推理模型

    A new interval-based uncertain reasoning model

  20. 不确定推理的支持度

    Supporting Degree of Uncertain Reasoning

  21. 最后根据不确定推理与决策理论对不同空域和时域的数据进行融合。

    Uncertain reasoning and decision-making is used to fuse the data in the different space and time fields .

  22. 不确定推理在火电厂水汽化学过程故障诊断中的应用

    Application of Uncertain Reasoning Method in the Fault Diagnosis for Water and Steam Chemistry Process in Power Plant

  23. 动态因果图是由张勤教授于1994年提出的不确定推理方法。

    Dynamic Causality Diagram ( DCD ) is an uncertainty reasoning method proposed by professor Zhang Qin in 1994 .

  24. 不确定推理是利用条件不确定性由不确定知识或证据出发作出推论的过程。

    Uncertain inference is a process of deriving consequences from uncertain knowledge or evidence via the tool of conditional uncertainty .

  25. 给出了两个算法用于自动处理学习和建立基于认知结构的不确定推理网络。

    Two algorithms are given to process the learning and to build the uncertain inference network automatically based on the cognitive structure .

  26. 本文利用不确定推理中的概率推理方法,设计了购买决策树回溯推理的模型和算法,有效解决了这一问题。

    Using uncertain reasoning , a reasoning model and an algorithm are presented , which give the answer to this problem effectively .

  27. 不确定推理是知识工程中的重要内容,基于模糊命题的真值推理具有广泛的应用。

    Uncertainty reasoning is an important content in knowledge engineering , truth reasoning based on fuzzy proposition has been widely in use .

  28. 该模板模型可作为现有模型的分析模板和新的基于产生式规则的不确定推理模型研究与构造的基本框架模板。

    It can be used as a frame to analyze current uncertainty model or research and construct a new uncertainty reasoning model .

  29. 针对现有不确定推理真值传播方法存在的缺陷,提出一种新型不确定推理真值传播的计算方法。

    Taking into account of the drawbacks for the methods to compute truth-value propagation in uncertainty reasoning , a new method is proposed .

  30. 本文介绍了多种知识表示的方法和以知识源分类为基础的知识获取方法,并列举出本文中智能防火墙不确定推理所需要的规则集。

    It contains several methods of knowledge representation and the method of knowledge acquisition based on classification of knowledge source in the article .