
bù jí wù dòng cí
  • intransitive verb
不及物动词[bù jí wù dòng cí]
  1. 爱上例如爱上某人或坠入爱河,单词fall作为不及物动词表示一个特定的状态。

    To Fall For In the case of to fall for someone or to fall in love , the word fall functions as an intransitive verb representing a particular state of being .

  2. 通过论文的研究,希望对传统意义上的不及物动词有更深一步了解,这有助于自然语言的计算机理解和生成,并且对汉语教学,特别是对外汉语教学有所帮助和启发。

    Through the research of the thesis , hope have a deeper understanding about the traditional intransitive verb , this good to computer understands and produces the natural language , and to teaching of Chinese , especially the teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  3. 动词可细分为及物动词和不及物动词。

    The verbs were subdivided into transitive and intransitive categories .

  4. 例中的believe为不及物动词。我们不信鬼神。

    We do not believe in ghosts .

  5. 动词‘drink’可用作不及物动词,不接直接宾语。

    You can use the verb ` drink ' intransitively , without a direct object .

  6. 考验:试验新武器prove作为不及物动词:证明是;

    to prove a new weapon

  7. 复合Gettingbacktogether是一个常用的不及物动词短语,表示夫妇、乐队或团体决定恢复他们的关系。

    To Get Back Together Getting back together is a common intransitive phrasal verb used when a couple , band or group decide to resume their relationship .

  8. 作者将词根X分成4类:及物动词,不及物动词,既可及物也可不及物的动词,非动词词根。

    The root X is divided into 4 categories : transitive verbs , intransitive verbs , verbs that are both transitive and intransitive , non verbs .

  9. 作格动词的语法现象由Perlmutter在其非宾格假设中首先明确提到,该假设提出不及物动词可再分为非作格动词和非宾格动词两类。

    The grammatical phenomenon of ergative verbs was first proposed by Perlmutter in the Unaccusative Hypothesis , in which the class of intransitive verbs consists of two subclasses & unergative verbs and unaccusative verbs .

  10. 不及物动词带主事宾语句研究

    A Study on the Construction of Intransitive Verbs Taking a Theme Object

  11. 在本词典中,[I]符号表示不及物动词。

    In this dictionary the mark shows an intransitive verb .

  12. 论及物动词与不及物动词的互相转化

    On the Mutual Conversion of Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

  13. 这个名词后接不及物动词。

    The noun is followed by an intransitive verb .

  14. 道歉:不及物动词,为下一次的冒犯筑下基石。

    APOLOGIZE , v. i. To lay the foundation for a future offence .

  15. 不及物动词不跟直接宾语或间接宾语。

    Intransitives do not take direct or indirect objects .

  16. 不及物动词带宾语现象初探

    A Probe into the Phenomenon that Intransitive Verbs are Followed by an Object

  17. 非完整及物动词和非完整不及物动词都需要补语,而传统语法所说的宾语补语和主语补语实际上都是谓语补语。

    What are traditionally called subject complement and object complement is actually predicate complement .

  18. 把动词分成“及物动词”和“不及物动词”的传统做法解释不了许多语法现象。

    The traditional classification of verbs into transitive and intransitive verbs is useful but not enough .

  19. 非宾格句子结构一直是不及物动词研究中的焦点问题。

    The unaccusative sentence structure is one of the focuses of the study of intransitive verbs .

  20. 话题是非典型成员,其与主语的关系如同不及物动词和动词的关系。

    The relationship between argument and subject is just like that of intransitive verb and verb .

  21. 动词通常可以分为两类:及物动词和不及物动词。

    Verbs can be divided into two kinds in general : transitive verbs and intransitive verbs .

  22. 传统语法一般将实词性动词分为两大类:及物动词,不及物动词。

    Traditionally , notional verbs are divided into two categories : transitive verbs and intransitive verbs .

  23. 非宾格动词是一种特殊的不及物动词类别,是英语语法模型描写的一个范畴。

    First of all , this paper depicts the linguistic features of unaccusative verbs in a simple way .

  24. 常规关系与句式结构研究&以汉语不及物动词带宾语句式为例民族思维与英汉句式

    Stereotypical Relation : The Study of Syntactic Construction National Way of Thinking vs. English and Chinese Syntactic Construction

  25. 动词按能不能带宾语分为及物动词和不及物动词。

    Verbs can be grouped into transitive verbs and intransitive verbs according to whether they take an object .

  26. 不及物动词,比如“用餐”,不能带有直接的宾语

    An intransitive verb , such as " dine , " for example , can 't take a direct object .

  27. 动词可以是及物动词或不及物动词,并且它有4种存在形式。

    The verb can be transitive verb ( vt. ) or intransitive verb ( vi. ), and4 kinds of forms .

  28. 随着语言的发展,一部分传统的不及物动词带上了宾语。

    The development of the Chinese language leads to a new phenomenon that some intransitive verbs are followed by an object .

  29. 以往的结论偏向于认为作格不及物动词为基本形式,使役格动词从前者派生而来。

    Previous studies tend to treat the intransitive variant as basic form and the corresponding causative transitive derived from the former .

  30. 运用概念隐喻理论探讨汉语身体动作动词的隐喻机制等对身体及物动词和身体不及物动词作系统深入的研究。

    Using the Image Schema Theory determines with the bodily verb syntax systems , proves that bodily verbs focus on the force schema .