
bù dòng chǎn
  • real estate;immovable property;immovables;im-movable property;real estate (property);property
不动产 [bù dòng chǎn]
  • [immovables;im-movable property;real estate (property)] 不能移动或一旦移动就受损失的财产,如房屋及屋内的水暖设施

不动产[bù dòng chǎn]
  1. 文森特·弗伦奇在房地产这个艰难行业做了最吃苦受累的不动产经纪人。

    Vincent French is a real estate broker at the sharp end of a tough and exacting business

  2. 他拥有很多不动产并把它传给他的继承人。

    He held a lot of real estate and transmitted it to his heirs .

  3. 更加频繁地对不动产进行重新估价如今已很平常。

    It is now usual to revalue property assets on a more regular basis .

  4. 房产(不动产)代代相传。

    The estate is handed on from generation to generation .

  5. 作为不动产承受人,他最终可以得到这座房子。

    As a offee , he could get the house eventually .

  6. 不动产统一登记制度正在试运行。

    Property registration1 system is under a test run .

  7. 她是他们家的不动产承受人。

    She is the offee of their family .

  8. 我是不动产经纪人。

    I 'm a real estate broker .

  9. 按揭是不动产的一种物权担保。其财产被按揭抵押的债务人被称为抵押人。

    Mortgage is a security interest in real property . The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor .

  10. 姜大明表示,他希望不动产统一登记在基层进行全面落实,信息系统在2017年全面发挥作用。

    Jiang said that he hopes the unified property registration will be further pushed forward in the grass-roots level and the information system will have a role to play in 2017 .

  11. 第三十六条中国公民继承在中华人民共和国境外的遗产或者继承在中华人民共和国境内的外国人的遗产,动产适用被继承人住所地法律,不动产适用不动产所在地法律。

    Article 36 For inheritance by a Chinese citizen of an estate outside the People 's Republic of China or of an estate of a foreigner within the People 's Republic of China , the law of the place of domicile of the decedent shall apply in the case of movable property ;

  12. 及(c)对提供服务、转让无形资产和销售不动产征收的营业税。

    And ( c ) the Business Tax on providing services , transferring intangible assets and selling real estate .

  13. 物业一词来源于西方,英文表述为Realproperty,表示财产资产、拥有物、房地产或不动产。

    " the property " a word originates from the West , English indication is Real Property , expressed that " the property property , has the thing , the real estate or the real estate " .

  14. 根据国家不动产经纪人协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors),总体上,二月份的房市虚弱可能一直是天气不好、是因评估虚报达成的交易的取消、是销售高度不振等因素所造成的。

    Overall , February 's weakness could have been driven by bad weather , deals canceled over lowball appraisals and a higher number of distress sales , according to the National Association of Realtors .

  15. 宁波的奥特莱斯则是三井不动产(MitsuiFudosan)与两家中国公司和另外两家日本公司携手开发的。

    Mitsui Fudosan is jointly developing the shopping centre in Ningbo with two Chinese and two Japanese partners .

  16. 据东京智库日本不动产经济研究所(RealEstateEconomicInstituteCo.)的数据,2013年,东京市中心所有类型公寓销售均价较上年上涨了10.8%,而这还是在同期新公寓供应量激增46%、达到28340套的情况下实现的。

    According to Real Estate Economic Institute Co. , a Tokyo think tank , the average selling price for all types of condominiums in central Tokyo rose 10.8 % in 2013 from a year earlier , even as the supply of new units surged by 46 % to 28340 .

  17. 凯奇是出了名的狂热收藏家,他的兴趣包括不动产、珍稀轿车和漫画书。2011年,他以210万美元出售了一本接近全新的《动作漫画》(ActionComics)第一期,其中有超人的第一次亮相。

    Mr. Cage is known as an avid collector , with interests that include real estate , rare cars and comic books : In 2011 , he sold a like-new copy of Action Comics No. 1 , which featured the first appearance of Superman , for $ 2.1 million .

  18. 而据科威国际不动产(ColdwellBanker)的一位经纪人查尔斯·内德(CharlesNedder)提供的数据,至7月底,今年上半年已经成交了78笔交易,比去年同期略有下降。

    As of the end of July , 78 sales had closed year to date , down slightly from the same period last year , according to data provided by Charles Nedder , an agent with Coldwell Banker .

  19. 终于在1809年,她的兄弟爱德华同意她们住进他在Chawton作为不动产的房子,只离她成长的Steventon这个地方几英里的距离。

    Finally in1809 her brother Edward allowed them to live in a house on his estate in Chawton , only a few miles from Steventon where she had grown up .

  20. 我国目前正在制定物权法,不动产登记在物权法中占据重要地位。

    At present , our government is making property right law .

  21. 房地产属于不动产,设定房地产抵押权时,需依法履行抵押登记的法律行为。

    To enact the real estate mortgage need register by law .

  22. 不动产登记制度的法律经济学分析

    Analysis of Legal Economics of the Registration System of Real Property

  23. 我们一起在搞一个大规模的不动产项目。

    We 're working on a really big estate plan together .

  24. 关于土地资源管理专业不动产估价学科方向的探讨

    Discussion on Real Estate Appraisal Subject of Land Resource Management Major

  25. 论不动产抵押登记与公信力

    On the Real Estate Mortgage 's Register and Public Trust Dint

  26. 知识产权证券化中资产池的构建不动产证券化初探

    Construction of the Assets Pool in the Securitisation Intellectual Property Right

  27. 成都21世纪不动产公司发展战略研究

    A Study on the Development Strategy of Century 21 Chengdu Region

  28. 不动产查封公示问题研究

    Study on Issues of Public Summons for Sequestration of Real Estate

  29. 动产和不动产当然是对有体物的分类。

    Movable property and immovable property is classification for the entity .

  30. 再次,所有权保险提高了不动产交易的效率。

    Thirdly , title insurance enhances the efficiency of the transaction .