
  • 网络inferior olivary nucleus;Inferior olive;nucleus basalis;inferior olivary complex
  1. 在延髓下橄榄核、孤束核、迷走神经副交感核和舌下神经核也有OB.RbmRNA标记神经元出现。

    In the medulla oblongata , OB-Rb mRNA were observed in the inferior olivary nucleus , the nucleus of the solitary tract , dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and the hypoglossal nucleus .

  2. 结果如下:(1)在泰和乌鸡和江汉鸡的延髓中,NPY阳性神经元主要存在于下橄榄核,网状核及中缝核也少量出现;(4)江汉鸡延髓内下橄榄核比较发达;

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) immunoreactive neurons of NPY in medulla oblongata of Taihe silky fowl , New jianghan domestic chicken are mainly localized in the inferior olivary nucleus . Low levels of that are also observed within the lateral reticular nucleus and raphes nucleus ;

  3. 继发于颅脑外伤的下橄榄核肥大变性的MR表现(附4例报告)

    MR imaging of post-traumatic olivary hypertrophy ( 4 cases report )

  4. 方法回顾总结6例继发于小脑病变的肥大性下橄榄核变性的MR表现。

    Methods Six cases of HOD secondary to cerebellar lesions were analyzed .

  5. 继发于小脑病变的肥大性下橄榄核变性的MRI表现

    MR Imaging of Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration Secondary to Cerebellar Lesions

  6. 肥大性下橄榄核变性的MRI表现

    MRI appearance of hypertrophic olivary degeneration

  7. 仔猪下橄榄核簇的形态和构筑&用Nissl,Weil和Golgi氏法研究

    The morphology and architecture of inferior olivary of domestic pigs-a study using nissl , Weil and Golgi-Cox method

  8. 发现伤害性刺激可引起下橄榄核Fos样蛋白阳性神经元数量显著增加(P<0.01);而在针刺镇痛条件下,Fos样蛋白阳性神经元的数量又明显减少(P<0.01)。

    The results indicate that the number of the positive neurons of fos-like protein significantly increased in the group of harmful stimulation ( P < 0.01 ) and decreased obviously in the group of acupuncture analgesia ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 江汉鸡延髓内下橄榄核比较发达;

    The inferior olivary nucleus of New Jianghan chicken is also well developed ;

  10. 此外,在下橄榄核和前庭核也发现标记细胞。

    HRP-labelled neurons were also found in the inferior olivary nucleus and vestibular nucleus .

  11. 猴下橄榄核的超微结构

    Ultrastructures of inferior olivary nucleus of the monkey

  12. 大鼠下橄榄核毁损对前庭核神经元自发性放电活动的影响

    Spontaneous activity of otolith neurons in the vestibular nucleus of rats after inferior olive lesion

  13. 目的应用光镜及扫描电镜观测下橄榄核内动脉来源、分类形态及血管密度。

    Objective To observe artery origin classification , morphological distribution and artery density in inferion olive .

  14. 结论:下橄榄核毁损后,中枢耳石器神经元的自发性放电活动受到了明显影响。

    CONCLUSION : The spontaneous discharge activities of central otolith neurons were affected significantly after inferior olive lesion .

  15. 本文对下橄榄核、外侧网状核、桥延体及桥核内的终止情况进行了讨论。

    The distribution of spinal afferents in the inferior olivary nucleus , the lateral reticular nucleus , the pontobulbar body and the pontine nucleus was discussed .

  16. 结果脑干病变后最早1个月出现下橄榄核信号异常,8个月显示最清晰。

    Results Abnormal signal in inferior olivary nucleus appeared as early as one month after the brainstem was diseased , which became most apparent in 8 months .

  17. 在延髓外侧网状核、小脑齿状核可见明显阳性的TGF-β1免疫反应阳性的神经元,下橄榄核可见弱阳性细胞分布;

    TGF - β _1 immunoreactivity can be seen in the cytoplasm and processes of medulla oblongata lateral reticular nuclear , cerebellar dentate nucleus and inferior olivary nucleus neuron .

  18. 前庭、下橄榄核、迷走神经核、上丘、基底节、桥脑、小脑、皮质运动区也有组织学改变。

    Also some changes were found in vestibulum , inferior olivary nucleus , vagus nerve nucleus , superior colliculus , basal ganglion , pons , Cerebellumand motor area of cortex .

  19. 血管密度高的核团包括了脑桥核、下橄榄核簇等与小脑相连系的核团,及楔束核、上橄榄核和展神经核;

    The high density nuclei consist of the pontine nuclei , inferior olivary complex and so on which have connections with cerebellum , cuneate nucleus , superior olivary nucleus and abducent nucleus .

  20. 终止于对侧的有二叠体旁核、桥脑和延髓网状结构内侧部、下橄榄核的内侧副核、脊髓颈段前角。

    The fibers terminated also to contralateral nuclei such as the parabigeminal nucleus , the medial part of the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata and ports , the medial accessory nucleus of the inferior olive , the anterior horn of the cervical spinal cord .

  21. 红核投射至下橄榄主核的背侧板及内侧副橄榄核尾侧半的背端部;

    The projections from the red nucleus to the IOC terminated in the dorsal lamina of the principal olive and the dorsal end of the caudal half of the medial accessory olive .

  22. 家兔下橄榄背侧副核的超微结构特点&电镜研究

    The ultrastructural characteristics of the dorsal accessory olivary nucleus in the rabbit