
  • 网络uptake
  1. 我之前在等车的时候,有几个身边的人在抽烟,我懒得走到他们的上风口去。

    I was waiting for the bus , and there were some people smoking around me . I didn 't bother to move upwind from them .

  2. 在车体封闭摩托车风罩上开风口、涵道增强冷却效果;

    The vent and culvert on the wind shield of closeded body motorcycle can better the cooling effect ;

  3. 将散热器上的导风口移动到安装位置。

    Move air guide on radiator to installation position .

  4. 它包括吹风机构,与吹风机构上的出风口连接的出热风机构和出冷风机构。

    The device comprises a blowing mechanism , a hot air outlet mechanism and a cold air outlet mechanism which are connected with an air outlet of the blowing mechanism .

  5. 在鞍钢1号高炉上,利用风口喂线技术将含钛物料包芯线通过煤枪孔喂入高炉内,取得了很好的护炉效果。

    The technique of feeding wire-like material which contains titanium through tuyeres has been adopted on No. 1 blast furnace at AISC , and a good result has been obtained .

  6. 她是二十年来首位掌管公司的产品工程师,各种建议势必将纷至沓来,令人应接不暇。这些建议小到新皮卡上的空调出风口,大到别克(Buick)和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)这些品牌的前景,无所不包。

    As the first product engineer to head the company in two decades , she will be deluged with suggestions about everything from air conditioning vents in new pickups to the future of brands like Buick and Chevrolet .

  7. 风口前端总是承受最高温的区域,紫铜风口的高温直接作用在紫铜上,而涂层风口的高温部位却在涂层的内部,有效降低了基体紫铜的温度。

    The front of tuyere always receive the high temperature , the high temperature of pure copper tuyere directly effect on the pure copper , while the gradient layered coating tuyere is inside the coatings , effectively reduce the copper substrate temperature .

  8. 在理论上分析了上风扇出风口平均风速和气流方向角、上风扇出风口高度对物料运动轨迹的影响。

    And theoretically analysed the trajectories of the threshed materials in the air-flow as affected by the average air-velocity and direction in the outlet of the upper fan , the height of the outlet of upper fan .