
  • 网络Shanghai Airport
  1. 在上海机场,我买了《中国之路》(ChinaRoad)&美国公共广播电台(NationalPublicRadio)前驻中国记者罗布•吉福德(RobGifford)对中国问题坦率的评述。

    At Shanghai airport , I bought China Road , a candid account of the country 's problems by Rob Gifford , a former China correspondent for National Public Radio .

  2. 上海机场管理局与国内四大电信公司签署了一项协议,以促进上海浦东国际机场和上海虹桥国际机场5G网络和应用的发展。

    Shanghai Airport Authority has signed an agreement with the country 's four major telecom firms to boost the development of 5G network and applications at Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport .

  3. 这位英国废金融公司goldarrowmetals的首席交易员表示,10月17日凌晨,一伙人在上海机场劫持了他,拖着他穿过航站楼,然后把他塞进面包车。

    The chief trader for UK scrap metal company goldarrow metals says he was abducted by a group of men at a Shanghai airport in the early hours of October 17 , dragged through the terminal and bundled into a van .

  4. 上海机场召开实现第5个安全年媒体座谈会

    A Media Forum On The Fifth Safety Year Of Shanghai Airports

  5. 另外一个是福永码头很靠近上海机场。

    Another is Fu Yong Ferry that is closer to Shanghai airport .

  6. 她指出,在上海机场,首先被卸下就是行李。

    In Shanghai , she points out , the luggage is off-loaded first .

  7. 今天将有8个架次的包机来往上海机场,这也是节日期间最多的一天。

    Eight round-trips will be made today , the most during the period .

  8. 他离开上海机场,登上了一架去北京的中国民航飞机。

    He left Shanghai Airport and went on board a CAAC plane for Beijing .

  9. 是的,但是上海机场由于能见度不好关闭了。

    Yes , but the airport is also closed because poor visibility in SHANGHAI .

  10. 上海机场顺利实现第六个安全年

    Airports ' Sixth Safety Year

  11. 我在上海机场登机飞往中国遥远的西部地区新疆时,受到了检查。

    I was being screened at Shanghai airport before boarding a plane for the currently troublesome far western Chinese region of Xinjiang .

  12. 上海机场集团在社交媒体上发布官方消息称,周二延误或取消的航班有61架次。

    Another 61 were either delayed or cancelled on Tuesday , the Shanghai airport authority said on an official social media feed .

  13. 《航空港》杂志创刊于1988年,由上海机场集团公司主办,是我国民航系统创办最早的机场类画报。

    Launched in1988 and sponsored by Shanghai Airport Group Company , Airport pictorial is the earliest airport pictorial in China 's civil aviation services .

  14. 上海机场管理局表示,这一全新的设施将会是上海寻求成为世界级航空运输枢纽的里程碑。

    The new facilities represent a milestone in Shanghai 's quest to become a world-class air transportation hub , the Shanghai Airport Authority said .

  15. 此前,我国各大机场使用的行李自动处理系统大部分是由国外成套引进的,北京、广州、上海机场使用的都是外国的成套进口的行李处理系统。

    Earlier , airport baggage handling system in most of the major airports such as Beijing , Guangzhou and Shanghai , is imported from abroad in a whole set .

  16. 因此,本文拟在认真研究东航及上海机场现状的基础上,对东航中转的营销策略作一研究分析。

    Therefore , the study made an analysis about the current development situation of CEA and the Shanghai Airport , together with the advanced experiences of foreign airlines and hub airports .

  17. 据新华社报道,迪拜方面的检察官的翻译表示,这名男子承认自己跳过了上海机场的围栏,并趁一名安保疏忽时爬进了这架客机的货舱。

    According to a translator appointed by prosecutors , the boy said he had jumped over a fence at Shanghai airport and climbed into the cargo hold while a security guard looked away , Xinhua added .

  18. 上海机场集团官员表示,这两座新卫星厅作为现有候机楼的延伸,总建筑面积达62.2万平方米,建成后,浦东机场的年客流量将从今年的6000万人次提升至8000万人次。

    The two new satellite halls , an extension of the existing terminals , will cover 622000 sqm and boost airport capacity to 80m passengers annually , an increase over this year 's 60m , Shanghai Airport Authority officials said .

  19. 由于类似的信息不足的原因,7月14日上海机场出现大面积航班取消的情况后外界也是议论纷纷。一些网友猜测,空域关闭是因为有政府高官试图逃跑。

    A similar lack of information paved the way for rumor-mongering in the wake of another mass flight cancellation in Shanghai on July 14 , with some Internet users speculating that airspace had been shut down because a high-level government official was trying to flee the country .

  20. 2017年5月5日,中国国产客机G919完成90分钟的首航,安全降落在上海浦东机场。

    On May 5,2017 , China 's home-made passenger aircraft G919 completed its 90-minute first flight and landed safely back at Pudong Airport in Shanghai .

  21. 自主研制的X射线爆炸物自动探测设备已在上海浦东机场和北京首都机场中使用;

    The Chinese-made automatic X-ray explosive detecting system has been put into operation at Shanghai 's Pudong Airport and Beijing 's Capital Airport .

  22. 中国官方媒体《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)称,周一上海两机场共取消了199架次航班,118架次延误两小时或更长时间。

    Between the two airports , 199 flights were cancelled and another 118 were delayed two hours or more on Monday , according to the state-run China Youth Daily .

  23. 上海浦东机场T2航站楼结构模型模拟地震振动台试验研究

    Shaking table model test on Pudong International Airport Terminal 2 Building in Shanghai

  24. 他还提到位于上海虹桥机场附近的一家宾馆,这家名为航友的宾馆直接将自己的汉语拼音当成了英文名:HangYou。

    He mentioned one hotel near Shanghai ` s Hongqiao airport which anglicised its name into " Hang You Hotel " .

  25. 上海浦东机场A380机库钢结构机库大门吊装技术

    Lifting technology of steel construction hangar door of Shanghai pudong airport A380 aircraft hangar

  26. 用远震接收函数反演福建地区宽频带台站下方莫霍界面深度上海浦东机场T2航站楼结构模型模拟地震振动台试验研究

    Moho Depths beneath Broad-Band Stations in Fujian Area Inversed by Teleseismic Receiver Function Shaking table model test on Pudong International Airport Terminal 2 Building in Shanghai

  27. 在上海浦东机场,C919完成了试飞。

    Die C919 startete ihren Testflug vom Shanghaier Flughafen Pudong .

  28. 北京A380机库采用粘滞阻尼器的减振控制分析上海浦东机场A380机库钢结构机库大门吊装技术

    Vibration reduction analyses of Beijing A380 hangar structure with viscous dampers Lifting technology of steel construction hangar door of Shanghai pudong airport A380 aircraft hangar

  29. 利用ANSYS程序的非线性分析功能对上海浦东机场二期工程中的候机长廊结构进行了多种荷载组合下的稳定性分析,得到各组合下的屈曲荷载因子、屈曲特征、屈曲模态及不同因素的影响。

    Using the nonlinear methods of the ANSYS procedure , the stability of the gallery of Pudong International Airport in the Second Phase under several different Load combinations is analyzed , and load factors , buckling modes , buckling characters and other different factors are obtained .

  30. 并制定合理的居群取样策略,对上海江湾机场的一个天然野大豆居群进行了100个单株(个体)的随机取样,并用ISSR分子标记对其进行了遗传多样性分析。

    In China , a natural population from Jiangwan Airport in Shanghai was studied for its genetic diversity through the inter-simple sequence repeat ( ISSR ) marker analysis of a sample set consisting of 100 randomly collected individuals .