
The frame of Three networks and a stock classifies its fundamental construction function from basic function of electronic affairs .
Researching on the framework of e-government system on the whole , including the hierarchical architecture and " three networks and one database " platform .
The main content of e-government construction is Three Networks and a Resource Repository . Three Networks include Intranet , Extranet , Internet and e-governance information resource repository .
An E-Government system includes three networks and one database . For data exchange and sharing services to support intelligent decision making , a common platform is designed .
At present , the governmental information framework has been founded based on " three networks and one database ", additionally , the construction for E-government has also possessed sturdy Technical infrastructure and wide market demand .
Three networks and a stock of government mainly refers to its internal network , exclusive network , public information network and the shared data bank resource of government affairs information built on these three network platform .