
  • 网络Triple-junction
  1. GaInP/GaAs/Ge三结太阳电池的电子辐照损伤效应

    Damage of electron irradiation to the GaInP / GaAs / Ge triple-junction solar cell

  2. 对聚光GaInP/InGaAs/Ge三结太阳能电池关键工艺技术进行研究。

    The key techniques of growing concentrator GaInP / InGaAs / Ge triple-junction solar cell were studied .

  3. 利用该模型,分别模拟计算了单结多晶硅薄膜电池、aSi/PolySi双结电池、aSi/PolySi/PolySi三结电池,并对结果进行了讨论。

    The performance of solar cells with the structure of single junction poly Si cell , a Si / poly Si tandem cell and a Si / poly Si / poly Si triple cell are calculated .

  4. 叠层三结高效太阳电池材料的选定。

    The material choice of triple junction high-efficiency solar cells .

  5. 电容耦合三结单电子晶体管特性分析

    Analysis of Capacitance Coupled Three Junction Single Electron Transistor Characteristics

  6. 电容耦合三结高温超导单电子晶体管数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Capacitance Coupled Three-junction Single Electron Transistor Made of High-Tc Superconductor

  7. 太阳电池阵采用目前国内效率最高的三结砷化镓太阳能电池,同时对锂离子电池进行合理的筛选和测试以保证电池可靠性,电源分配和变换广泛使用超低功耗工业级集成化器件。

    The solar adopted triple-junction GaAs solar cell of the highest efficiency inland . Effective filtering and testing were made to guarantee lithium battery reliability . Industrial device of large-scale integration and low consumption were widely used in this design of power conversion and distribution .

  8. [方法]通过RT-PCR检测ILK基因在三种结肠癌细胞株(SW480、LO-VO及HT29)mRNA的表达;

    [ Methods ] The expression of ILK mRNA was detected by RT-PCR in three colon carcinoma cell lines ( SW480 , LO-VO and HT29 ) .

  9. 磁控溅射制备Co/Cu/FeNi三端结器件

    Co / Cu / FeNi three terminal device prepared by magnetron sputtering

  10. 两个人做伴,三个人结群,但说到有几个朋友合适的问题,四个似乎最理想。

    Two might be company and three a crowd , but it seems four is perfect when it comes to friends .

  11. 给出了三类结线方式的结构图,详细分析了它们各自的特点,并验证了这些结线方式的可行性。

    The structure diagrams and characteristics of the three types are analyzed . Simulation results show that the proposed connection types are feasible .

  12. 现在您可以利用太阳的力量,通过正确的屋顶瓦,使用薄膜三重结非晶硅技术。

    Now you can harness the sun 's power right through roof shingles , thanks to a technology called thin-film triple-junction amorphous silicon .

  13. 他们三个人结结实实把安迪打了一顿,差那么一点点就把他打死;而四个人都关了一阵子禁闭。

    What the three of them did was to beat Andy within an inch of his life , and all four of them ended up doing a jolt in solitary .

  14. 本文作者通过对国内三个结渣较严重电站锅炉炉前煤及结渣沉积物的研究,分析了炉内结渣的形成与生长机制,并提出了降低结渣程度的设计与运行措施。

    Based on site investigation of coal and slagging deposits in three power boilers which were troubled by severe slagging , the author analyzes the slagging mechanism and proposes design and operation meliorating measures .

  15. 提出了多端VSC-HVDC系统的三种基本结线方式,包括并联结线方式、串联结线方式和混合结线方式。

    Three basic connection types of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system , including Parallel , Series and Hybrid connection , are proposed .

  16. 钢管桩三层熔结环氧粉末涂敷技术

    Techniques of Applying Three-Coat Melting Epoxy Powder to Steel Pipe Piles

  17. 我们在你的三个淋巴结里发现了一些细胞。

    Now , we need to fill the tree with nodes .

  18. 三势垒异质结与受限量子波导体系中噪声研究

    Study on Shot Noise in Triple-barrier Heterostructure and Confined Quantum Waveguide System

  19. 两人成为伴,三人不结侣

    " Two is company , but three is none "

  20. 有朝一日要出海!三顽童举杯结兄弟!

    To The Sea Someday ! The Pledge of the Three Brats !

  21. S波段高功率三端波导结环行器

    S-Band High Power Three & Port Waveguide Junction Circulator

  22. 北美的一种落叶灌木或小乔木,叶明显三裂,结红色浆果。

    Deciduous North American shrub or small tree having three-lobed leaves and red berries .

  23. 第三站淋巴结转移率为3.13%,转移度为1.15%。

    And 3.13 % and 1.15 % for the third station ones , respectively .

  24. 荧光法测定两种小分子醇与α-萘酚、β-环糊精三元包结物常数

    Determination of Ternary Inclusion Complex Constant between Two Small Molecular Alcohols and α - Naphthol , β - Cyclodextrin by Fluoremetry

  25. 进一步对三种异质结进行研究,得出传导模的出现不只是晶格结构畸变一种情况可以产生,其他两种异质结也能产生传导模。

    It is further shown that guide modes appear not only in the case of lattice structure aberrance but also in the other two cases .

  26. 单电子三势垒隧穿结I-V特性研究

    The study of I-V characteristics of single-electron triple - barrier tunnel - junction

  27. 第三章介绍Josephson结的孤子理论。超导约瑟夫逊传输线初步研究

    Introduction Research Of Superconducting Josephson Transmission Line

  28. 小亚细亚藤本植物,三片叶,结紫色浆果。

    Asiatic vine with three-lobed leaves and purple berries .

  29. 所有三个账户都结了。

    All three accounts have been closed .

  30. 大港三厂注水系统结垢趋势预测

    The Research and Application of Scaling Tendency Prediction Technique for Every Waterflood System in Dagang Oilfield