
  • 网络Saam Kap Dai
  1. 在将来的第三及第四代移动通信中,MC-CDMA是一项非常有前景的技术。

    MC-CDMA is a very promising technique in the future third and forth mobile communications .

  2. 给药FDG后,分别于基线水平,化疗第一、二、三及第六疗程对患者进行PET成像。

    After administration of FDG , PET images were taken at baseline , and after the first , second third and sixth course of chemotherapy .

  3. 香港报纸三及第文体

    Sanjidi ( SJD ) Style of Chinese Newspaper in HK

  4. 第三及第五项目,我们没有货供应。

    B : We aren 't able to supply the third ad fifth items .

  5. “道德及马基维利”是本课程中的第三及第四个自我评量。

    The Ethics and Machiavelli Questionnaires are the third and fourth self-assessments of this class .

  6. 三及第文体是香港报刊语言承前启后、发展变异的一个重要阶段。

    The phenomenon of SJD is an important stage of the development of HK newspaper language .

  7. 第三及第四,通过限制扩张,中国城市将减少对水的消费和对耕地的占用。

    Third and fourth , by containing sprawl , Chinese cities will use less water and consume less farmland .

  8. 三及第文体是香港中文报纸在20世纪初兴起、在70年代末衰落的一种语言风格。

    SJD style is a language fashion started by the Chinese newspaper in HK in the early 20th century and ended in the 70s .

  9. 这位2008年NBA选秀状元,2009荣膺最佳新秀并在他的第二个、第三个及第四个赛季入选全明星。

    The No. 1 pick in the 2008 NBA draft , Rose was the 2009 Rookie of the Year and an All-Star in his second , third and fourth seasons .

  10. 第三章及第四章分别介绍了Agent技术及动态包过滤技术,这两个技术将在第六章提出的一个基于主机的分布式IDS中得到应用;

    Chapter three and chapter four have introduced Agent technology and Dynamic Packet Filter technology respectively , and these two techniques will apply to a Host-based Distributed Intrusion Detection System , which will be put forward in chapter six .

  11. 第三章及第四章主要对《通雅·称谓篇》中的亲属称谓词和社会称谓词进行考释。

    The third and forth chapter mainly study and explain the relatives appellation terms words and social appellation words in the " tong jas · appellation " .

  12. 随着现代化数字移动通信技术的飞速发展,第三代及第四代移动通信必将使人们的工作和日常生活更加便捷、丰富。

    It is evident that the 3rd Generation ( 3G ) and beyond 4G ( 4G ) mobile communication will greatly facilitate and enrich our work and daily life , with the rapid development of modern digital mobile communication techniques .

  13. 第三部分及第四部分,分析建筑平面布局、空间架构、装饰细节等内容,第五部分根据故居的功能特征,工艺特征,分析其对现代住宅设计的启示。

    The third and fourth part , analyzing of building plane layout , space structure , decoration details , etc , The fifth part ; According to the former residence of functional characteristics , process characteristics , analyzing its enlightenment to modern residential design .

  14. 深圳机场EAM系统的实施,不但规范了深圳机场设备管理作业流程,还使深圳机场资产设备管理由静态向动态发展,并为2011年深圳机场第三候机楼及第二条跑道的启用作好了准备。

    The application of EAM system not only standardized operation flow but also made Shenzhen airport asset and facility management developed from static state to dynamic state , and got ready for the enabling of Shenzhen airport terminal NO. 3 and the second runway in 2011 .

  15. 论述了虚拟企业的概念、特征及其几种主要的合作形式,指出了应用虚拟企业模式发展第三方物流企业及第三方物流企业虚拟企业化带来的优点。

    The paper discusses the concept , features and several main cooperation forms of virtual enterprises , points out that the virtual enterprise mode should be used to develop 3PL enterprises and describes the advantages brought by logistics enterprise virtualization .