
  1. 第三十九条离婚时,夫妻的共同财产由双方协议处理;

    Article 39 At the time of divorce , the disposition of the property in the joint possession of husband and wife is subject to agreement between the two parties .

  2. 第三十九条火灾扑灭后,公安消防机构有权根据需要封闭火灾现场,负责调查、认定火灾原因,核定火灾损失,查明火灾事故责任。

    Article 39 After a fire is extinguished , public security fire control institutions shall , based on need , have the right to seal up fire site , be responsible for investigation fire losses and find out responsibilities of fire disasters .

  3. 她第一次登上荧屏是在“DizzyDishes”两分三十九秒的时候,看起来像一只人格化的狗。

    In her first appearance on screen , at 2:39 in 1930 's " Dizzy Dishes " above , she looks very much like an anthropomorphized dog .

  4. 据联合国(U.N.)报道,有三十九个国家的数据显示,其20%的妇女结婚年龄为十八岁。

    According to U.N. reports , 39 countries have data showingthat 20 % of women married by age 18 .

  5. 编剧杰夫·内桑森目前也在为梦工厂(DreamWorks)的冒险电影《三十九条线索》(The39Clues)撰写剧本。他的个人事务由联合精英经纪公司(UTA)、“Ziffren,Brittenham,Branca,Fischer,Gilbert-Lurie,Stiffelman&Cook”法律事务公司代理。

    Nathanson is also writing the script to the DreamWorks adventure " The 39 Clues . " He is repped by UTA and Ziffren Brittenham , Branca , Fischer , Gilbert-Lurie , Stiffelman & Cook .

  6. 申请人是同属一集团的三十九间公司。

    The applicants comprise thirty-nine companies in the same group .

  7. 第三十九街有个妇女收容所

    There 's a women 's shelter on 39th street .

  8. 五十个州中三十九个进行了法官选举。

    Thirty-nine of the fifty states elect at least some of their judges .

  9. 第三十九题这个试验被设计来论证什么?

    No39 What is the experiment designed to demonstrate ?

  10. 租一天只要三十九美元。

    It 's just $ 39 for one day .

  11. “三十九件,宝贝。”佩妮姨妈说。

    " Thirty-nine , sweetums ," said Aunt Petunia .

  12. 岳飞死的时候才三十九岁。

    Yue Fei died at thirty-nine years of age .

  13. 《三十九级台阶》是一本很有意思的小说。

    The Thirty-Nine Steps is an interesting novel .

  14. 由于积劳成疾,他三十九岁就死了。

    He died at the age of thirty-nine from the effects of his fatigueness .

  15. 一米相当于三十九点三七英寸。

    A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches .

  16. 三十九:显示我您的帽子。

    Thirty nine : Show me your hat .

  17. 一公尺的近似长度是四十英寸;正确的长度是三十九点三七英寸。

    The approximate length of a meter is40 inches ; the exact length is39.37 inches .

  18. 有三十九个女人报告了当准备出国时被攻击,基金会说。

    Thirty-nine women have reported being assaulted while preparing to go overseas , the foundation said .

  19. 本来第一次宠幸之后会好起来,可是皇上那年正好三十九岁。

    Normally , it would get better after your first luck , but Emperor Taizong was39 .

  20. 第三十九条仲裁应当开庭进行。

    Article 39 An arbitration tribunal shall hold a tribunal session to hear an arbitration case .

  21. 信息产业部电子第三十九研究所工业卫生状况分析与控制

    Analysises and control industry hygiene condition of thirty nine research institute of information and industry ministry

  22. 我的体温是三十九度。

    My temperature is thirty-nine degrees .

  23. 亚撒作王三十九年,他脚上有病,而且甚重。

    In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet .

  24. 第三十九条账目清算

    Article 39 Settlement of Accounts

  25. 一公尺的近似长度是四十英寸,正确的长度是三十九点三七英寸。

    The approximate length of a meter is 40 inches ; the exact length is 39.37 inches .

  26. 然后他离开去看那三十九级台阶顶上的房子。

    He then went off to look at the house at the top of the thirty-nine steps .

  27. 她被控一级谋杀,她的丈夫是一名三十九岁的政府计算机分析师。

    She is charged with first-degree murder in the killing of her husband , a39-year-old state computer analyst .

  28. 下午三点三十九分开始,市民应该可以通过观察眼镜欣赏到日偏食。

    Residents should be able to see the partial eclipse with observation spectacles when it starts at 3:39pm .

  29. 第二章是对民国六年到民国三十九年的契约文书内容的介绍。

    The second chapter is the introduction of the contract documents from R.O.C six years to R.O.C thirty-nine years .

  30. 事实上,我如今开始把三十九岁看成平静之前的暴风雨了。

    E.g.In fact I 'm actually starting to view the age of thirty-nine as the storm before the calm .