
  • 网络sanrio;HELLO KITTY
  1. 1975年,专注于萌系日本流行文化的三丽鸥公司创造了凯蒂猫(HelloKitty)的形象。

    Hello Kitty was created in 1975 by the Sanrio lifestyle company that specializes in the cute sector of Japanese popular culture .

  2. 拥有HelloKitty版权的三丽鸥会社(Sanrio)单凭HelloKitty年收入已达7.59亿美元。

    The company that holds the copyright , Sanrio , makes around $ 759m in annual revenue off the cat alone .

  3. 游戏博客Kotaku的作者布莱恩·阿什克拉夫特(BrianAshcraft)联系三丽鸥核实信息。

    Brian Ashcraft of gaming blog Kotaku contacted Sanrio to clarify .

  4. Kokoro公司隶属于三丽鸥公司,该公司旗下有HelloKitty和其它一些日本卡通人物形象等文化品牌。

    The company is a subsidiary of Sanrio Co. , which owns the rights to Hello Kitty and other Japanese characters .

  5. 他发布诸如HelloKitty形状面部纹身的照片,半开玩笑道:“三丽鸥发明了一种名为HelloKitty的病毒,感染者都会干这种傻事。”

    He posts items such as Kitty-shaped face tattoos and suggests , tongue-in-cheek , that " Sanrio has invented a Hello Kitty virus that makes people do things like this . "

  6. 除了三丽鸥网站账户外,不少HelloKitty衍生网站的账户信息也遭到泄露,包括hellokitty.com,hellokitty.com.sg,hellokitty.com.my,hellokitty.in.th和mymelody.com。

    As well as SanrioTown itself , accounts from a number of other Hello Kitty websites were also included in the leak : according to Salted Hash , those are hellokitty.com , hellokitty.com.sg , hellokitty.com.my , hellokitty.in.th , and mymelody.com .

  7. 网络安全信息网站CSOOnline.com的一份报告显示,日本三丽鸥公司(Sanrio)某数据库遭遇攻击,导致330万HelloKitty品牌客户的资料面临风险。

    A database for Sanrio , the Japanese owner of the Hello Kitty brand , was breached , putting 3.3 million of its users ' data at risk , according to security website CSOonline . com 's report .

  8. 三丽鸥公司几乎没做任何广告和市场测试。

    There was almost no advertising , no market testing .

  9. 三丽鸥公司的“当家花旦”这个月将可爱带到了时尚封面上。

    Sanrio 's head honcho is cute-ifying some fashion mag covers this month .

  10. 大约60美元从日本三丽鸥。

    About $ 60 from Sanrio in Japan .

  11. 三丽鸥公司常务鸠山玲人将担任电影监制。

    The company 's managing director Rehito Hatoyama will oversee the Hello Kitty film project .

  12. 她说,三丽鸥后来的澄清更有意义,因为人类凯蒂猫根本不合逻辑。

    She said the clarification made more sense , because as a human Kitty made no logical sense .

  13. 您键入的每一个字,现在可以对凯蒂猫参拜,这从三丽鸥键盘感谢。

    Every word you type can now be an homage to Hello Kitty , thanks to this keyboard from Sanrio .

  14. 截至目前,三丽鸥公司尚未对账户泄露事件作出公开回应。

    Sanrio , the owner of the brand , has not publicly responded to the allegations of an account leak .

  15. 三丽鸥公司表示,凯蒂猫如此受欢迎源于该品牌向粉丝献上了“真诚的友情”。

    Sanrio said Hello Kitty 's popularity was down to the " heartfelt message of friendship " the brand offered its fans .

  16. 不过,三丽鸥对用户密码采取了“哈希运算”,能保证初始密码不会被完全破解。

    The passwords themselves are " hashed , " a form of protection which renders it technically impossible to retrieve the original password .

  17. 经过与凯蒂猫的母公司三丽鸥公司做事实核查,她“非常确定”地纠正了凯蒂猫的身份。

    When fact-checking with Sanrio , the character 's mother company , she was " very firmly " corrected about Kitty 's identity .

  18. 此后,三丽鸥公司还将市场受众扩大到青少年和成年人,推出了钱包、行李箱、笔记本电脑等品牌产品。

    Sanrio has since expanded the target market to include teenagers and adults with branded products such as purses , luggage and laptops .

  19. 最后,三丽鸥声称,凯蒂猫是一个卡通角色,所以不能用我们在生活中给人分类的方法去分类。

    In the end , Sanrio says that Kitty is a character , so doesn 't fall in the categories we would use for , say , live human beings .

  20. 经过五年的商讨,凯蒂猫所属的日本三丽鸥公司和华纳兄弟公司旗下的新线电影公司终于达成了协议。

    After five years of discussions , Sanrio , the Japanese firm which manages the character , has signed a deal with a unit of Warner Bros , New Line Cinema .