
  • 网络Miyoshi
  1. 二次及三次分市载荷作用下弹性体的多项式解答

    Multinomial answer of elastomer under acting of quadratic or cubic distributed load

  2. 交易商表示,过去两周里,印度央行(reservebankofindia)为防止印度卢比兑美元升值,已经至少三次干预汇市,其中包括周四的一次。

    The Reserve Bank of India has intervened in the foreign exchange market at least three times during the past fortnight to prevent the rupee appreciating against the dollar , including on Thursday , traders said .

  3. 日本政府周一上午抛售了数十亿日元,这是今年以来它第三次对汇市进行干预。

    Tokyo sold billions of yen early on Monday morning in its third intervention this year .

  4. 1928年,在第三次造访剑桥市后,徐志摩写下了名诗《再别康桥》。

    Xu wrote the famous poem , Second Farewell to Cambridge , in 1928 , after his third visit to the city .