
  1. 根据油罐地质特点,对5万m3钢储油罐的四种备选地基基础方案,建立评价指标和层次关系,运用层次分析法优选出低强度混凝土刚性桩复合地基处理方案。

    According to the geological characteristics , the evaluation targets and hierarchy relations of four types of foundation schemes of the 50,000m 3 steel oil tank have been established .

  2. 上周四,苹果公司发布了公司年度环境报告。这份报告总结了通过回收旧电脑而获得的价值的信息,即该公司不仅仅获得了超过6100万磅钢、铝、玻璃和其它材料,而且还获得了2204磅(接近一吨)的黄金。

    The company released its annual environmental report on last Thursday , and it included some information about just how much it can recover from its old computers - over 61 million pounds of steel , aluminum , glass , and other materials .

  3. 30万吨合金钢棒材轧制线改造方案的探讨

    Discussion on the reform proposal of 300000t alloy steel bar rolling line

  4. 尤其是60万吨优特钢工程冶炼和热轧生产线的建成投产,从根本上改变了LWGT有限公司的技术结构和产品结构,使其迅速进入国内钢铁业的先进行列。

    Especially the 600,000 tons of special steel smelting and hot rolling production line project completion and commissioning , and fundamentally changed the Thai steel technical structure and product structure , and allows them to quickly enter the domestic and foreign steel industry , among the most advanced .

  5. 这个耗资400万英镑、用钢与玻璃所构筑起的亭子已经成了一个华而不实的摆设。

    The pavilion has become a £ 4 million steel and glass white elephant .

  6. 咨询公司steelbusinessbriefing表示,9家最大企业已经减产,而另一家咨询公司“我的钢铁”(mysteel)表示,当前危机可能导致中国损失50万吨的热轧钢产出。

    Steel business briefing , a consultancy , said that nine of the largest companies had cut back , while another consultancy , Mysteel , said China could lose 5 00000 tonnes of production of hot-rolled steel as a result of the crisis .

  7. 这些道具需要高价投资:每套行头需要1.5万港元,而钢制表演柱的价格更是前者的5倍多。

    The props require significant investment : costumes cost up to HK $ 15000 apiece and the steel poles more than five times that .

  8. 螺纹钢是一种用于建筑中的条形钢材,其合约于今年刚刚推出,但已经是该交易所交投最活跃的产品&周四有价值超过1600万吨的螺纹钢合约换手。

    The rebar contract was just launched this year and is already the most active product on the exchange & more than 16m tonnes worth of rebar contracts changed hands on Thursday .