
  1. 我们又买了七亩地。

    We had acquired the additional seven mou .

  2. 宫本家向你们购买七亩地。

    The Miyamoto family bought your seven acres .

  3. 客源地居民对南京市重点旅游景区的感知差异研究&以苏、锡、常等七客源地为例

    Differences in Perception of Residents of Tourism Market to Nanjing 's Major Tourist Destinations : A Case Study of Suzhou , Wuxi , Changzhou and Other Four Tourism Markets

  4. 李天享租了王常盈七亩地,每年打下的粮食,一半都交了租子,剩下的那点实在难以养活有妻子和一个十岁儿子的三口之家。

    Lee rented seven mow of land from Wang , but since he had to give half of his crops to the landlord , he was barely able to support his wife and ten-year-old son .

  5. 我们在蜘蛛网似的偏僻街道中七拐八拐地穿行。

    We threaded through a network of back streets .

  6. 乌鲁木齐城市经济圈七城市旅游地吸引力评价及分析

    The Appraisal and Analysis of Tourism Region Attractions of Urumqi City Economic Cycle

  7. 由七个松散地结成联盟的游击队发起的进攻

    An offensive by seven loosely allied guerrilla groups

  8. 店里以21块钱的价格卖给了她,她带着剩下的八角七分成匆匆地赶回家。

    Twenty-one dollars they took from her for it , and she hurried home with the87cents .

  9. 第七章系统地提出了我国金融系统性风险防范思路与具体措施。

    Chapter 7 systematically put forward our financial systemic risk prevention Philosophy and ' concrete measures .

  10. 七必须坚决地肃清一切危害人民的土匪、特务、恶霸及其他反革命分子。

    7 bandits , secret agents , local tyrants and other counter-revolutionaries , all of whom are menaces to the people , must be resolutely rooted out .

  11. 第七年,地要守圣安息,就是向耶和华守的安息,不可耕种田地,也不可修理葡萄园。

    But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land , a Sabbath for the lord : thou shalt neither sow thy field , nor prune thy vineyard .

  12. 通过对各要素的评价,结合旅游地吸引力综合指数的评价公式,得出了七城市旅游地吸引力的评价结果及22个被选景区景点旅游地吸引力的评价结果。

    Through the appraisal of each essential factor , the tourism region attraction appraisal result of seven cities and the 22 scenic spots and scenic areas are gotten in combining the composite index appraisal formula of tourism region attraction .

  13. 针对上述三次产业结构调整的方案体系,结合云南省林业产业发展过程中存在的问题与不足,本文在第七章系统地提出了发展云南林业产业的10项对策与建议。

    Aimed at above adjustable scheme-system of three industrial structures , at the same time , combined with the problems and insufficiency during the development of forestry industry in Yunnan province , this paper provides the corresponding ten countermeasures and suggestions .

  14. 研究七C更精确地量化了个体自我差异激活的水平,并检验了这一激活对个体评价诱惑词语的影响。

    The quantification analysis of self-differences was performed in Study 7C to verify the impact of self-activation on evaluation for the temptation words .

  15. 在遥远的库索(Cuso)山区,一个七岁女童自信地朗读着用土著克丘亚(Quechua)语编写的同样的课文。

    Far away , in the mountains of Cuso , a7-year-old girl confidently reads the same text in her native Quechua .

  16. 地狱,你往下去,通过七个哀伤之地。

    Hell , you go down , through seven sad places .

  17. 但是最不可思议的事情是:那七个字真正地改变了他的生活!

    But the strangest thing is the7 words really changed his life .

  18. 你七倒八歪地到了家像个喝醉的水手

    You staggered home like a drunken sailor .

  19. 本文从七个方面深入地研讨了云南50多年民族工作的基本经验。

    The essay researched the national work experiences deeply in the past50years from seven aspects .

  20. 他自己在他们前头过去,一连七次俯伏在地才就近他哥哥。

    He himself went on ahead and bowed down to the ground seven times as he approached his brother .

  21. 老师要引导七年级学生更多地运用记忆策略。

    Second , Chinese junior middle school students in Grade 7 should be informed of adopting more memory strategies .

  22. 在七只杯子整齐地排列在桌上之后,他又开始将各式酒瓶依次摆放在每个杯子的后面。

    He made a neat line of seven glasses , and began to arrange a variety of bottles behind them .

  23. 刑罚开始时,由七位士兵狠狠地抽打安得烈,然后又绑在十字架上,来让他不能落气更加痛苦。

    After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony .

  24. 七天很快地过去了,埃德加·林惇的病情每一天都在急剧发展。

    Seven days glided away , every one marking its course by the henceforth rapid alteration of Edgar Linton 's state .

  25. 如果他在深更半夜里七冲八跌地撞到我身上来…我又怎么知道他是打什么窠里钻出来的呢?

    Suppose now , he should tumble in upon me at midnight-how could I tell from what vile hole he had been coming ?

  26. 本文从七个方面详细地阐述了非新闻规律对新闻运作的影响。这七个方面是政治思想、政治制度、和政治行为对新闻运作的影响;

    In this thesis the author analyses the role of irregular news rule from the following seven aspacts : political thought , system and behavior ;

  27. 可是,对关税同盟所作的分析是我们在第七章里广泛地论述过的次佳理论的另一个例子。

    Yet the analysis of a customs union is another example of the theory of the second best which we discussed more generally in Chapter 7 .

  28. 在从七个方面系统地阐述了老油田地面生产系统存在的矛盾后,归纳出进行系统改造必须予以重视和充分考虑的问题,并提出了与此有关的研究课题。

    The article expatiates on seven contradictions in production system , sum up the problems that should be paid more attention to and considered sufficiently while reconstructing oil production system and also set a relative research task .