
  • 网络ss7
  1. 移动通信网络由承载话音为主的网络向承载多业务的网络发展,因此解决传统的七号信令在IP网络中的传输成为通信业亟待解决的问题。

    So the transmission of traditional SS7 over IP network communications problems need to be solved .

  2. 本文介绍了七号信令网目前的安全机制,按照TMN方法对七号信令网提出了新的安全管理机制。

    The security of SS7 network is introduced , and the new security management mechanism of SS7 network according to TMN is proposed .

  3. 七号信令网IP化的演进分析

    Analysis of the IP Evolution of the No.7 Signalling Network

  4. 主要讨论了GPS授时系统在七号信令集中监测系统中的应用。

    This paper mainly discusses the application of GPS time receiving system in signaling No.

  5. MAP协议是七号信令中的应用协议,它提供了公用陆地移动通信网各功能实体和网络之间互连互通的方式和方法。

    It provides the ways of interconnection of public land mobile communications network functional entity and network .

  6. 七号信令和IP互通的方案与其在传统交换机上的实现

    The Design of Transporting No.7 Signaling Message over IP Networks and the Implementation in Traditional Switches

  7. Oracle高级复制技术在七号信令网管系统中的应用

    Research on Application of Oracle Advanced Replication of the Distributed System of No.7 Signaling Network

  8. 信号交换式调制解调器它位于软交换体系的接入层,实现七号信令网与IP网的互通。

    It 's in the access layer of soft switch system , and realizes connecting between No.7 signaling network and IP network .

  9. 七号信令中DPC的修改

    How to modify DPC in signalling system number 7

  10. 用单片PLD实现高速七号信令链路控制

    Design of the Control Circuit for High Speed No. 7 Signalling Link By Single PLD Chip

  11. 为了实现PSTN与NGN的信令互通,就需要使用七号信令网关。

    For realizing signalling intercommunion between PSTN and NGN , we need use No. 7 Signalling Gateway .

  12. 七号信令系统中MTP3(B)协议栈的动态路由算法研究

    Research on the Dynamic-Route Algorithm of MTP3 ( B ) Protocol in Signalling System No.7

  13. 文章详细介绍了七号信令方式的结构、信令点、以及如何在HARRIS交换机数据库中修改七号信令中的目的信令点编码(DPC)。

    System appears . The paper introduces how to modify DPC in HARRIS Switcher ′ s database in detail .

  14. CCITT七号信令系统性能分析公式的解释及其应用

    The explanation and application of the performance analysis formula for signalling system No.7

  15. 七号信令系统的MTP部分在S12-CDMAMSC中的应用

    The Application of NO.7 Signalling System MTP in S12-CDMA MSC

  16. 从七号信令网络对外开放接口的角度,分析了SS7网络的潜在安全威胁,对SS7网络安全威胁进行了分类。

    This paper analyzes the potential threat of SS7 network in terms of external interface and categorizes its threats .

  17. 七号信令系统中TUP和ISUP协议的兼容设计

    Achieving the compatibility of tup and ISUP protocols in Signaling System No.7

  18. 七号信令网管系统的数据库服务器采用惠普UNIX工作站及SYBASE数据库。

    Database servers of the No. 7 signal network management system in Tianjin local telephone network make use of HP 's UNIX workstations and SYBASE databases .

  19. 本文首先介绍了七号信令网的发展方向,并对3G网络中的信令进行了分析,由此引出IP信令网的概念。

    First of all , this article introduces the development direction of the No. 7 signalling network , analyzes the signalling in the 3G network and further fetches out the definition of the IP signalling network .

  20. 七号信令中SCCP面向连接业务实现的关键问题

    Key Problems of Realizing SCCP Connection - oriented Operations in the Signaling System No.7

  21. IP-PCA七号信令模块设计

    Design of NO. 7 Signaling Module in the IP - PCA

  22. IP-PCA(protocolconverterA)是一个协议转换器,实现中国七号信令和IP协议的转换。

    IP-PCA is protocol converter A. It converts 16 numbers of PCM ( 2M / S ) china NO. 7 Signaling to a ( 10 / 100 M / S ) Ethernet interface of IP signaling protocol .

  23. 在电信交换网的七号信令网之上,建设七号信令监测系统,进行信令采集,然后进行呼叫计算,形成CDR记录。

    Above the telecommunications 7th signaling network , builds the 7th signaling monitoring system for collecting signaling , and then calculate and form the record of the CDR .

  24. 接着研究了实现信令网关的几个关键技术,介绍了信令网关相关的协议,包括七号信令协议、SIGTRAN协议簇;

    The paper introduces protocols correlated with Signalling Gateway , including No. 7 Signalling protocols 、 SIGTRAN protocols cluster ;

  25. 对国内外研究七号信令监测系统的现状及进展情况进行了介绍,提出了交互触发合成CDR的原理,采用该触发方式可以大大降低网络的拥塞,不会丢失任何呼叫,具有实时性较高的特点。

    First of all , the dissertation introduces the development in the domestic research of NO. 7 signaling monitoring system and abroad . Bring forward the principle of integrating CDR by the means of mutually triggering .

  26. 本文首先介绍了CMT(复合移动通信)和CS(呼叫服务器)的有关概念;接着描述了对七号信令(SS7)的ISDN用户部分(ISUP)的理解;

    This paper first introduces the concepts of CMT ( composite mobile telecommunication ) and CS ( call server ) and then describes an interpretation of the ISUP ( ISDN user part ) of SS7 ( signaling system No. 7 ) .

  27. 综合复分接设备的七号信令系统单元板,用硬件的手段实现信令数据链路功能,对于信号链路功能以及电话用户部分(TUP)部分,采用软件实现。

    SS7 interface board of the integrated multiplex equipment , achieves signaling data link function by hardware . About signaling link function and telephone user part ( TUP ), adopts software implement .

  28. 描述了MPC860在七号信令通信网中的具体应用方案。对我国通信现状和七号信令的通信原理和层次结构进行了介绍。

    The paper describes the special applications of MPC860 in SS7 network and introduces at the same time the status of communications in the nation and the communication principle and structure of SS7 .

  29. 其中重点分析了七号信令的功能级结构,对消息传递部分和用户部分的ISUP的功能作了详细介绍。本文重点论述了E1中继网关中应用软件的设计和实现过程。

    In this section , functional blocks of SS7 is mainly discussed , the function of MTP and ISUP is detailed introduced . Secondly , the thesis discusses the design and implementation of application software of the E1 Trunk Gateway which is the core of this thesis .

  30. 七号信令集中监测系统在电信运维中的应用

    Application of Centralized SS7 Monitoring System in Telecom Operation & Maintenance