
  1. 偶尔弯下腰闯一闻花香。

    Bend down once in a while and smell a flower .

  2. 突然透过敞开的窗户飘进来了一股花香,有股淡淡的春天的味道。

    Suddenly through the open window came a smell of flowers , like the thin breath of spring .

  3. 当我做女孩子的时候,我的心的花瓣儿张开,你就像一股花香似地散发出来。

    When in girlhood my heart was opening its petals , you hovered as a fragrance about it .

  4. 我们还邀您闻一闻花香,抱一抱大树,和小鸟聊聊天并在草地上野餐。

    We also invite you to smell the roses , hug the trees , talk to the birds and picnic on the lawns .

  5. 她把爱情看得更像是平静的温情,在一个花香馥郁、光影迷离、虚无缥缈、万籁俱寂的氛围里,被拿来温柔地献给心爱的人。

    Her idea of love was more that of placid affection , serving the loved one softly in an atmosphere , flower-scented and dim-lighted , of ethereal calm .

  6. 出狱的第二天,他到了格拉斯,他在一家橙花香精提炼厂的门前,看见许多人在卸货。

    On the day following his liberation , he saw , at Grasse , in front of an orange-flower distillery , some men engaged in unloading bales .

  7. 思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷。笼罩你我,而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛。直到心底。

    Missing are a smell of flower fragrance , inundated themountainvalley , cover your and me , and blessing are theboundlessattention , overflow the eye , until the heart .

  8. 低下身子我采摘了一朵,花香带着泥土的韵味,悠然淡雅,一如清水里的浮萍味道,又仿佛是园中牡丹的清芳,夹杂着泥土和青草的混合气息。

    I picked up a lower body , floral , with earth charm , leisurely elegant , clean water in the duckweed as taste , but also like a peony garden in the Qing Fang , mixed with soil and grass mixed atmosphere .

  9. 口感新鲜清香,带有一种奇异的花香和带有橙花、甜杏和桃子的果香。

    Fresh and spicy , offering exotic floral and fruit aromas reminiscent of orange blossoms , honeyed apricots and peaches .

  10. 对于通常总是用鲜花装饰的售楼中心和大堂,他选择使用一种清幽的花香。

    For the sales center and lobby , which are always filled with freshly cut flowers , he chose to add a light floral scent .

  11. 我想出去走一走,闻一闻花香。

    I want to have a walk and smell the fragrance of flowers .

  12. 在郁金香的引领下,紫飞红翻的植物园邀请你迈开脚步,来这里逛一逛花海,闻一闻花香,享受春天的美丽佳景。

    With the guide of tulip , Hefei Botanic garden invites you to come and bring yourself into the flourishing flowers sea and enjoy the beautiful spring scenery .

  13. 一个人没有朋友就如比一朵玫瑰没有花香。

    So a life without friends is like a rose without fragrance .