
  1. 我坚信英语将成为我充实的仆人和一生的朋友。

    I believe English will become my faithful servant and lifelong friend .

  2. 他们说高中交的朋友是一生的朋友。

    They say high school friends are forever .

  3. 并且使大家成为一生的朋友,干杯!

    And be friends for life . cheers !

  4. 歌名在西语中意为“一生的朋友”。

    " Amigos para siempre " means " friends for life " in Spanish .

  5. 而且我也可以认识一些有趣的人,有的可以成为一生的朋友。

    Moreover , I can meet some interesting people who turn to be lifelong friends .

  6. 毕业典礼上和我坐在一起的朋友,成了我一生的朋友。

    The friends with whom I sat on graduation day have been my friends for life .

  7. 她就像我的妹妹,我极喜爱这个女孩,她是我一生的朋友。

    She 's like my sister . I adore that girl . She 's my friend for life .

  8. 要么一生的朋友要么点头之交,没有太多中间地带。

    A friend was either a BFF or a mere acquaintance ; there wasn 't much gray area in between .

  9. 大学开学的第一天,新生们往往会惴惴不安,然而下面这位来自德克萨斯的女孩却有一位她可以依赖一生的朋友的陪伴——那就是她的爷爷。

    The first day of college can be nerve wracking for freshman however one Texas girl had one of her life long friends she could rely on for company-her grandpa .

  10. 对于第三种人,也就是那些陪伴我一生的朋友,到底是哪些,我还不是很确定。

    For the first two types , no matter they come for a reason or a season , they will sure to leave some day . I have had many friends like that .

  11. 女性更容易拥有伴随一生的朋友。十分之三的女性仍然同她们的第一位好友关系亲密,相比之下,只有十分之二的男性如此。

    Four out of10 in the North East were still close to their first best friend from school , compared with just two out of10 people in the North West , Yorkshire and Humberside and the South West .

  12. 是银行的承诺,表示它们了解你喜欢的交流方式,了解你的生活方式,如果你把业务交给它们,你们将成为一生的朋友?

    Is it the promise by a bank that they know how you like to be spoken to , that they know how you live and that if you bring them your business you 're going to be friends for life ?

  13. 所以,我的一生的朋友,它是用我全部的心,我给你我的爱,希望你永远把我的笑容伴随你,我们都意味着给对方将来如何。

    So , my lifetime friend , it is with all my heart that I send you my love , hoping that you 'll always carry my smile with you , for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold .

  14. 你可能会结识将会伴你一生的新朋友。

    You may have chances to meet new people who 'll become your lifelong friends .

  15. 让我做你一生的好朋友

    To be your best friend for the rest of my life

  16. 你是我一生最好的朋友。

    You 're my best friend for life .

  17. 这个世界上朋友很多,可以用一生托付的朋友很少。

    There are few friends can be depended for whole life though many good ones exists .

  18. 尽管我来到北京才不过一月有余,但这里的人们待我就像是他们相识一生的好朋友。

    Although I 've only been in Beijing for one month , the locals treat me like a lifelong friend .

  19. 我也观察了我父母和他们的朋友之间的关系:我爸爸一生中的朋友基本不变。

    I look at my parents and their friends : my dad has had the same friends pretty much all his life .

  20. 我错过了一生最宝贵的朋友。

    I let slip the golden friend my a life .

  21. 为了好朋友有时吃点亏哪怕受点气也是在所难免的,人的一生真正的好朋友能有几个?

    It is inevitable to suffer some sort of loss for the sake of our good friends .

  22. 找到一生中真正的朋友是好运,一生拥有他的友情是幸福。

    To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune ; to keep him is a blessing .

  23. 你帮助过的人们将成为你一生中最珍贵的朋友以及资源。

    Those people who you have cared and helped will become your lifetime treasure and resource .

  24. 我们每个人一生之中所结识的朋友量与我们精品爱情的需求是根本无法保持一定的比例,可以说知之甚少。

    Each of us lives to get to know the amount of friends , and our demand of the fine love can not maintain a certain ratio .