
  • 网络Issuikai
  1. 一般情况下,其中一部分水会分散地落下来形成雨,降水量最多也是6厘米。

    Normally , a portion of this water would fall , scattered , as rain-at most , 6 centimeters of it .

  2. 浇他一桶水,这会使他清醒过来的。

    Throw a pail of water over him & that will sober him up .

  3. 如果谁家的院子里有一滩水,定会被他砸中。

    If there was a puddle on someone 's property ... he found it .

  4. 所以水位便会上涨,形成一个池塘,水会流入附近的土地上。

    So then the water backs up , and creates like a pond that floods the nearby land .

  5. 在一天中,水会保持或流失,同时你的体重会发生变化,这些浮动是正常的,并不像你朋友建议的那样是问题。

    Water is retained and lost throughout the day and while it may be contributing to your varying readings , these fluctuations are most likely normal , and not necessarily the problem that your friend suggests .