
bí lèi guǎn
  • Nasolacrimal duct;canalis nasolacrimalis;naso-lacrymal duct;ductus nasolacrimalis
鼻泪管[bí lèi guǎn]
  1. 结论鼻窦内窥镜下鼻泪管开口破膜术治疗新生儿泪囊炎,安全、有效、实用、并发症少,值得推广应用。

    Conclusion Rupture surgery of membrane in the debouch of canalis nasolacrimalis under endoscope of accessory nasal cavity is a safe , effective and practical therapy means with less complication to treat neonatal dacrocystitis , which worthy of generalization .

  2. 合并眼眶内侧壁骨折的鼻泪管骨折螺旋CT诊断

    The diagnosis of nasolacrimal duct with medial orbital wall fractures by spiral CT

  3. 晶体管式图像扫描振荡器国人鼻泪管冠状位CT扫描基线的定位


  4. 鼻泪管相关指标CT影像测量结果与应用解剖测量结果一致。

    There was conformity between CT measurement and applied anatomy measurement of the nasolacrimal canal .

  5. 螺旋CT后处理技术在婴幼儿鼻泪管测量中的应用

    Study on the anatomy of nasolacrimal dust by spiral CT and postprocessing technique in children

  6. 目的观察正常泪囊和鼻泪管以及泪道阻塞的CT表现。

    Objective To observe the CT manifestations of the normal lacrimal drainage system and lacrimal pathway obstruction .

  7. 鼻泪管骨折HRCT扫描及诊断

    HRCT scanning methods and its diagnostic value for nasolacrimal duct fractures

  8. 方法对38例45只鼻泪管阻塞(鼻泪管与泪囊连接处)置放自制内涵管治疗,按Song方法顺行引入导丝,逆行放入内涵管。

    Methods Thirty eight cases ( 45 eyes ) of nasolacrimal duct obstruction underwent the self-produced internal tube placement according to Song 's method .

  9. 泪道YAG激光成形联合鼻泪管逆行植入球头硅胶管治疗鼻泪管阻塞

    Treat obstruction of naso-lacrimal duct through lacrimal passages YAG laser formation associating with reverse imbeding silicone tube of spherical cephalon

  10. KTP激光鼻泪管成形术治疗难治性新生儿泪囊炎

    Nasolacrimal duct reconstruction for refractory congenital dacryocystitis with KTP laser

  11. 目的:探讨鼻泪管骨折HRCT扫描方法及诊断意义。

    Objective : To study HRCT scanning method and its diagnostic value for nasolacrimal duct fractures .

  12. 22例鼻泪管骨折在螺旋CT横断位中均可显示,应用MPR图像后处理方法可显示20例。

    On spiral CT axial image , nasolacrimal duct fractures were all shown in 22 cases . But MPR can show the fractures in 20 cases .

  13. 目的探讨丝裂霉素(MMC)预防鼻泪管探通术后瘢痕形成的有效应用浓度。

    Objective To find out the effective concentrations of mitomycin C in preventing scar formation after probing of nasolacrimal duct .

  14. 结论:HRCT扫描能清楚显示鼻泪管骨折,对临床诊断及早期治疗有指导价值。

    Conclusion : HRCT can display nasolacrimal duct fracture clearly and proved to have high value in clinical diagnosis and early therapy .

  15. 泪小管和鼻泪管阻塞作为抗肿瘤药物S-1的眼部副作用

    Canalicular and nasolacrimal duct blockage : An ocular side effect associated with the antineoplastic drug S-1

  16. 结果对正常泪道轴位软组织窗CT扫描图像进行分析:泪囊78.1%显影、21.9%不显影,鼻泪管均可显示;

    Results Of the 32 cases with normal drainage , 78.1 % of the lacrimal sac could be identified , and 21.9 % could not be identified . All nasolacrimal ducts could be clearly displayed with axial computer tomography .

  17. 结果:鼻泪管黏膜组织中淋巴滤泡和HEV的数量及其周围淋巴细胞浸润的程度均低于鼻腔、咽腔和气管黏膜(P0.01)。

    Result : The number of lymphoid follicle and HEV in nasolacrimal duct epidermis were less than that in nasal cavity , pharyngeal and trachea ( P 0.01 ) .

  18. 方法将入选的单纯鼻泪管阻塞患者90例(103眼)随机分为A、B、C3组,30例/组。

    Methods Divided 90 patients ( 103 eyes ) with nasolacrimal duct obstruction into group A ( 33 eyes ), group B ( 36 eyes ) and group C ( 34 eyes ) randomly , each group consisted of 30 cases .

  19. 方法:回顾分析HRCT横断及冠状扫描25例鼻泪管骨折病人,其中21例为临床怀疑眶骨骨折病人,只有4例出现典型的临床表现:溢泪,伴有泪囊内积脓后才行CT检查。

    Methods : HRCT axial and coronal reconstruction of nasolacrimal duct fractures . Scans were retrospectively analyzed in 25 cases , among them 21 cases were clinically consumed to be orbital wall fracture only 4 cases had typical clinical manifestations of epiphora , accompanied with lacrimal sac abscess .

  20. 在某些病例,为了更好的暴露TEMM还需要切除鼻泪管。

    TEMM also involves resection of the nasolacrimal duct ( ND ) in many cases to gain better access .

  21. 双泪小管鼻泪管插硅胶管联合泪小管断裂吻合术的疗效观察采用KTP激光疏通鼻泪管后,再分别注入典必殊眼膏或植入硅胶管,随访六个月。

    Curative effects of double-canalicular and nasolacrimal silicone intubation combined with canalicular laceration anastomosis Method : KTP laser was used to reform patency of nasolacrimal duct , then filling the duct with TobraDex ointment or silicon , all patients were followed up 6 months .

  22. 25例鼻泪管骨折在HRCT横断扫描均可显示,但冠扫只显示4例,横断扫描显示鼻泪管优于冠状扫描。

    In 25 cases , nasolacrimal duct fractures were all shown on HRCT axial scan , whereas the coronary scan can show the fracture in only 4 cases . It was shown that axial scan in showing nasolacrimal duct fracture was better than the coronal view .

  23. 婴幼儿鼻泪管阻塞的治疗

    Clinical experience on the treatment of infantile nasolacrimal duct-block Electronic Nose

  24. 22例病人均为单侧性的鼻泪管骨折。

    Nasolacrimal duct fractures of all the 22 cases were unilateral .

  25. Nd:YAG泪道激光加甲基纤维素留置治疗先天性鼻泪管阻塞

    Nd : YAG laser and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose for neonatal duct obstruction

  26. 鼻泪管泪囊逆行植入球头硅胶管术

    Retrograde Insertion of A Spherical Headed Silicon Tube through Nasolacrimal Duct

  27. 鼻泪管逆植球头硅胶管术治疗鼻泪管阻塞

    Nasolacrimal drainage silicone intubation for the treatment of Nasolacrimal duct 's obstruction

  28. 鼻泪管支架置入术治疗鼻泪管阻塞

    Placement of Nasolacrimal Duct Stent in the Treatment of Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction

  29. 局部眼眶淀粉样变性病累及泪囊和鼻泪管

    Localized orbital amyloidosis involving the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct

  30. 鼻泪管黏膜相关淋巴组织形态学分析

    Morphologic study of nasolacrimal duct mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue