
  • 网络Mingsha Mountain;Singing Sand Mountain;mingsha hill;Soughing Dunes
  1. 敦煌市鸣沙山月牙泉自然遗产保全的研究

    Proposal for the protection of natural heritage of Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring in Dunhuang City , China

  2. 随着当地旅游业的发展和地下水的不合理开采利用,使月牙泉呈现干涸的趋势,鸣沙山的生态景观受到严重破坏。

    With the development of local tourism and irrational exploitation of ground water , Crescent Spring is on the way of drying up and the ecological environment around Singing Sand Mountain is under severe threat of degradation .

  3. 基于ERDAS的三维地形景观图制作&以甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山地形为例

    The Facture of Three-dimensional Landform Landscape Map Based on ERDAS

  4. 今天我去游玩了鸣沙山。

    Today I go to the Min Sha Mountain .

  5. 鸣沙山非常好玩。

    The Min Sha Mountain is very good .

  6. 鸣沙山月牙泉是世界上罕见的沙漠景观。

    The Sing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring is a rare desert view in the world .

  7. 而沙的主要来源,是位于石窟西侧1000多米的鸣沙山。

    The chief source of sand is mount Mingsha more than1000m to the west of the grottoes .

  8. 新型高效大功率送丝电源丝路三大鸣沙山

    New type high efficiency big power wire welding power The Three Booming Sands Mounts on the Silk Road

  9. 多风信条件下,沙砾质戈壁与鸣沙山进行着往复式的能量交换及物质运动。

    Under multi-wind directions , the energy exchanging and material transporting repeatedly happened between gravel gobi and the Mingsha Mountain .

  10. 风成沙地地形1/10定律的研究与敦煌鸣沙山成因的猜想

    Probe into the " one-tenth " Law of Aeolian Sandy Landform and Guess at Causes of Sand-dinging Mountain in Dunhuang

  11. 鸣沙山脚下这排由5种沙生植物组成的防护带,是绿色生命挺身守护敦煌的一曲凯歌。

    The protective belt formed by a row of five kinds of psammophytes at the foot of Mount Mingsha is a song of triumph singing the praise of green life courageously guarding Dunhuang .

  12. 鸣沙山由一系列绕着月牙泉的沙丘组成,得名于其独特的形状和音效特点。当风吹过沙丘时,便可听到回声。

    Echoing Sand Mountain is a series of dunes surrounding Crescent Lake . Named for its distinctive shape and aural characteristics , its echoes can be heard as the wind blows over the dunes .