
mínɡ shēnɡ
  • cry
鸣声 [míng shēng]
  • [song] 有特色的音响;独特的噪声

  • 鸟鸣声

  1. 门铃蜂鸣声大作。

    The doorbell buzzed loudly .

  2. 她发现,如果大脑左半球在陌生的环境中为了防卫而保持警觉,那么它会对这种不规律的蜂鸣声有所反应,从而把睡眠中的人弄醒,但是会忽略定时响起且音调不变的蜂鸣声。

    She worked out that , if the left hemisphere was staying alert to keep guard in a strange environment , then it would react to the irregular beeps by stirring people from sleep and would ignore the regularly timed ones .

  3. 雾角鸣声示警。

    The foghorn boomed out its warning .

  4. 海鸟翻飞,鸣声入耳;

    Sea birds were circling in the air , and their crying was very pleasant to the ear .

  5. 利用计算机声谱分析技术比较了家鸽刺激中脑丘间复合体背内侧核(DM)诱发叫声和其正常自鸣声。

    The spontaneous coo with the coo evoked by stimulating DM nucleus in pigeon was compared by using computer-aided spectrogram analysis .

  6. 为了更方便地分析朱鹮的鸣声信号,在Matlab下编程建立了用户界面,可以对采集到的鸣声信号进行小波消噪及较全面的特征分析,包括时域,频域和声谱分析。

    In order to conveniently analyze the crested ibis call signals a user interface is established by programming with Matlab language , which can process call signals with wavelet denoise and characteristic analysis & including time-domain analysis , frequency-domain analysis and time-frequency analysis .

  7. 同时,把小波分析引入到鸣声的分析研究中,用小波分析进行突变点的检测和鸣声去噪。该文研究用C语言编程,经运算生成的数字化电视测试彩条信号数据。

    At same time , the singularity singal is detected and the noise of call is removed by wavelet analysis . This paper is about " The programme of C language " , We get a data through operation , which is digital , TV-test and colour bar singal .

  8. 上面的示例显示我们得如何精简我们的“compctl”行来说明目录,否则在我们试图完成目录名称的时候,shell就会发出蜂鸣声。

    The above example shows how we had to refine our " compctl " line to account for directories , otherwise the shell just beeps when we try to complete directory names .

  9. 北卡罗来纳州立大学的泰德西蒙斯(TedSimons)及其同事将蛙鸣录了下来,好比现在播放的树蛙的鸣声,对志愿者们进行实地测试。

    Ted Simons from North Carolina State University and colleagues put recordings of frogs , like this wood frog , [ Wood Frog sound ] in the field to test the volunteers .

  10. 黑蝉(C.atrataFabricius.)鸣声的方向性和第三气门的功能

    Directivity of songs in black cicada ( c.atrata fabricius . ) and function of third spiracle

  11. 起鸣声的前奏合22个脉冲(P1-22),调幅特性逐渐衰变,SP1的载波振荡失去对称性,并与基波叠加,SP2,3近似为正弦波。

    The prelude of the prologue contains 22 pulses ( P1-22 ) whose amplitude modulation properties gradually decay . The carrier wave oscillation gradually loses its positive negative symmetry and superimposes with the basic waves of the SP1 . The SP2,3 are essentially sinusoidal .

  12. 用北京阳宸公司的VS-99语音工作站对录制的鸣声进行了声谱分析并绘制出鸣声的语谱图。

    By analyzing the recorded stridulation in the VS-99 pronunciation work-station , in the Yangchen Company in Beijing , we drew the Oscillogram and Broad Band Spectrogram .

  13. 利用计算机鸣声分析技术对白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)繁殖期的求偶炫耀鸣唱、晨鸣、遇险告警和惊叫等鸣声的特征进行分析,以探讨鸣声特征与行为的关系。

    Characteristics of Chinese bulbul ( Pycnonotus sinensis ) songs , including courtship song , mating song , morning song . alarm call and frightening call , and the relationship between the characteristics of songs and the behavior in the breeding season were studied with computer analysis in this paper .

  14. 果蝇振翅鸣声信号特征分析

    Analysis of Signal Features about Fruit Fly 's Wing Fluttering Vibration

  15. 这个蜂鸣声表示一个问候消息,让我们看看。

    The beeping means a hello message . Let 's see .

  16. 朱鹮繁殖期鸣声特征数字化研究

    Digital Study on Calls Character of Crested Ibis in Breeding Season

  17. 繁殖期内丹顶鹤的日常短鸣声行为模式分析

    Analysis on Short Daily Song Pattern in Red-Crowned Crane during Breeding Season

  18. 北京地区五种常见鸣虫的鸣声结构

    The sound structure of five species of common chirp insects in Beijing

  19. 黄喉鹀繁殖期鸣声结构的初步研究

    The preliminary Studies on the structure of sound of breeding Yellow-throated Bunting

  20. 自然状态动物鸣声录音信号中有效声信号提取的研究

    Research on signal extraction in recording of animal calls signal

  21. 此信息以司机的显示器和蜂鸣声来呈现。

    This information is displayed on the drivers'displays and a beep sounds .

  22. 冰箱的蜂鸣声让他感到自己就在海上。

    The purring of the freezer had been the sea .

  23. 附近的某处传来了一阵恼人的蜂鸣声。

    There was an annoying beeping sound somewhere close by .

  24. 鸟类鸣声结构地理变异及其分类学意义

    Geographical variation of bird song and its taxonomical sense

  25. 鸟类的鸣声也是如此。

    So it is with the music of birds .

  26. 四川山鹧鸪繁殖期的鸣声行为特征

    Vocal Behaviour of Sichuan Hill Partridge ( Arborophila rufipectus ) in Breeding Season

  27. 中国昆虫鸣声与发声器研究进展

    Research Advance in the Sounds and the Sounding Apparatus of Insects in China

  28. 科学家们得出结论:这种蟋蟀在短时间内发出单一频率的鸣声。

    The scientists concluded that the crickets produced single frequencies in short bursts .

  29. 在以上的朱鹮鸣声中,仅9种鸣声类型共存在于野生与笼养种群中。

    Wild population and captive population have nine types of calls in common .

  30. 以夜晚发出悦耳动听的鸣声而闻名的欧洲歌鸟。

    European songbird noted for its melodious nocturnal song .