
róng yuán
  • salamander;newt;Cynops orientalis;salamandrid
蝾螈 [róng yuán]
  • [salamander] 小型两栖动物中之一种,包括有尾目(Cudata),外表类似蜥蜴类,但无鳞片,身体为软和湿润的皮肤所覆盖,成体通常是半陆栖性的,生活在潮湿阴暗的地方

蝾螈[róng yuán]
  1. 蝾螈胚胎表皮细胞电活动的进一步研究

    Further studies on the electrical activity of epithelial cells in embryos of Cynops orientalis

  2. 东方蝾螈(Cynopsorientalis)胚胎不同发育时期染色体DNA的甲基化

    Changes of chromosomal DNA methylation during different developmental stages of Cynops orientalis

  3. 丙烯腈对蝾螈睾丸精原细胞DNA的诱导损伤

    DNA Damage on Newt Testicle Spermatogonia Induced by Acrylonitrile

  4. 贵州5种蝾螈酯酶同工酶(EST)的比较研究

    Comparative studies on EST isozyme patterns of five salamander species from Guizhou

  5. 贵州5种蝾螈几种组织中乳酸脱氢酶同工酶(LDH)的电泳分析

    Comparative studies on LDH isozyme patterns in some tissues of fives salamander species in Guizhou

  6. 利用成像技术和DNA测试,科学家发现藻类存在于早期蝾螈胚胎细胞内--甚至在一些成年雌性蝾螈生殖道内也有同样发现。

    Using imaging techniques and DNA testing , scientists found algae inside the cells of young salamander embryos - and even in the reproductive tracts of some adult females .

  7. 东方蝾螈(Cynopsorientalis)灯刷染色体的工作图谱

    Working map of the lampbrush chromosomes of Cynops orientalis

  8. 1928年HansSpemann通过用蝾螈卵子做实验提出这些问题。

    In1928 , Hans Spemann addressed these questions experimentally using salamander eggs .

  9. Newt是蝾螈的一种。

    Newts are a type of salamander .

  10. 结论ACN能诱导蝾螈睾丸精原细胞DNA损伤,并且经肝微粒体酶活化后损伤能力明显增强。

    Conclusions The results show that ACN and its metabolites could induce damage on DNA in testicular spermatogonia . The toxicity of its metabolites might be higher than ACN itself after ACN is metabolized by microsomal enzyme .

  11. 结果:本文报告的肺恶性蝾螈瘤发生在右肺上叶,大体见肿物几乎占据整个肺叶,17cm×11cm×8cm,鱼肉状。

    Results : The tumor was found in the right upper lobe , occupying almost the whole lobe , with the size of 17 cm × 11 cm × 8 cm .

  12. 蝾螈胚胎表皮兴奋性和传导能力的出现和消失

    The appearance and disappearance of epithelial conductivity in Cynops orientalis embryos

  13. 身体为斑驳的深褐色或灰黑色的北美洲普通蝾螈。

    Common North American salamander mottled with dull brown or grayish-black .

  14. 蝾螈胚胎表皮兴奋性在发育中的变化

    Developmental changes of excitability of embryonic epithelial cells of Cynops orientalis

  15. 小型到中等的陆栖或半水栖的新大陆蝾螈。

    Small to moderate-sized terrestrial or semiaquatic New World salamander .

  16. 病理诊断为后纵隔恶性蝾螈瘤。

    The pathological diagnosis was MTT of the posterior mediastinum .

  17. 辽西义县组蝾螈类化石新发现

    New discovery of salamander fossils from the Yixian Formation in western Liaoning

  18. 产于从阿拉斯加到南加利福尼亚的潮湿海岸的蝾螈。

    Newt of humid coast from Alaska to southern California .

  19. 北美长有红色柔软如羽毛的外部鳃的水栖蝾螈。

    Aquatic North American salamander with red feathery external gills .

  20. 黑色皮肤上通常有黄色斑点的欧洲蝾螈。

    European salamander having dark skin with usually yellow spots .

  21. 普通北美蝾螈的红色陆栖形态。

    Red terrestrial form of a common North American newt .

  22. 与沙斯塔山蝾螈形似;生活在悬崖的裂缝和塌磊中。

    Similar to Shasta salamander ; lives in cliff crevices and taluses .

  23. 主要为穴居的沙斯塔山地区的蝾螈。

    Primarily a cave dweller in the Mount Shasta area .

  24. 美国西北部大眼半水栖的小型蝾螈。

    Small large-eyed semiaquatic salamander of the United States northwest .

  25. 蝾螈原肠胚外胚层诱导处理后蛋白质的双向电泳

    Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of newt gastrula ectoderm treated by inducing agents

  26. 在特征和习性方面类似粗皮蝾螈的蝾螈。

    Newt that is similar to Taricha granulosa in characteristics and habitat .

  27. 广泛分布的褐色或黑色北美洲蝾螈,身上有垂直的微黄色斑纹。

    Widely distributed brown or black North American salamander with vertical yellowish blotches .

  28. 北美江河溪流中大型的蝾螈。

    Large salamander of North American rivers and streams .

  29. 美国太平洋海岸的几种小而细长的蝾螈。

    Any of several small slim salamanders of the United States Pacific coast .

  30. 很多年来,美西蝾螈一直令人感到困惑。

    For years people were baffled by the axolotl .