
It 's not unlike getting a burst of energy after eating something sugary , only to crash soon after .
Kessler 's research suggests millions share what he calls " conditioned hypereating " _a willpower-sapping drive to eat high-fat , high-sugar foods even when they 're not hungry .
Experts say you should replace foods high in sugar with low-glycemic carbs like whole grains .
High-fat , fried , salty or high-sugar foods-these foods can cause multiple health problems in birds .
According to a Daily Express report , researchers have found eating chips , chocolate and cake may be damaging to a child 's intelligence .
By submitting ourselves to a steady dose of highly processed , sweet , high-fat foods , we have unwittingly entered into a dangerous experiment , the long term consequences of which are only now beginning to surface .
The U.S. government will publish sweeping new rules on Tuesday requiring chain restaurants and large vending machine operators to disclose calorie counts on menus to make people more aware of the risks of obesity posed by fatty , sugary foods .
Blame was placed on a sedentary lifestyle and foods high in fat and sugar .
Salty or high-sugar foods cause such problems as dehydration , excessive thirst , kidney dysfunction and death .
Now , this isn 't to say that the idea of food addiction , particularly to foods high in fat and sugar , is complete nonsense .
Foods that are high in fat and sugar might give you a temporary burst of energy , but that energy is soon followed by a crash .
Seems a bit preposterous , but a possible explanation , say scientists , is humankind 's past evolutionary need to eat foods high in calories and sugar .
When you swap processed , high-fat , sodium-packed , and oversweetened food for healthier fare , it can take one to two weeks before your taste buds acclimate .
Toddlers fed a diet packed high in fats , sugars , and processed foods had lower IQs than those fed pasta , salads and fruit , it was found .
Anyone with small children instinctively knows that hot weather , tons of sugary food , long lines and insanely overblown expectations equals parenting hell .
Taxing high-fat and sugary junk food is an effective way to fight obesity .
Young adult male mice were divided into four groups by diet : normal ( control ); high-saturated-fat ; high-sugar ; and high-saturated-fat and-sugar .