
  • 网络Higher Education Management;Higher Education Administration
  1. 高等教育管理学:学科构建与价值评判

    Higher Education Administration : Construction and Evaluation of the Discipline

  2. 真与用整合&浅论我国高等教育管理学的完善与发展

    On the Integration of " Truth " and " Use " & A way to Improve and Develop the Study of Higher Education Administration

  3. 我国高等教育管理学的历史、现状与未来走向

    The History , Actuality and Trend of Our Higher Education Management

  4. 高等教育管理学作为一门应用性学科,具有很强的实践性指向。

    The subject of higher education management is of practical character obviously .

  5. 高等教育管理学的逻辑起点

    The Logical Starting of Higher Education Management

  6. 对知识分子作为高等教育管理学逻辑起点的合理性分析是本文成败的关键点,主要从三个方面来论证:以人为本反映了管理理论演进发展的趋势;

    The thesis demonstrates from three points : Man as the root reflecting the trend of management theory development ;

  7. 院校研究遵循行动研究的范式,对于形成新的管理科学和管理模式,深化高等教育管理学的理论和方法有重要意义。

    Following the style of action-research , institutional research offers a new way to construct the subject of higher education management .

  8. 只有借鉴成熟学科形成的历史经验,发展我国的高等教育管理学学派,才能真正促进我国高等教育管理学学科的发展与成熟。

    It needs to use the experience of ripe discipline for reference to advance the development and ripeness of our higher education management .

  9. 然而,在研究生课程教学中易把常用的案例分析误认为就是案例教学,而且笔者通过中国知网检索发现研究案例教学在《高等教育管理学》课程中应用的文献不多。

    And the author also found that there are few studies on the application of case teaching in the course of " Higher Education Management " .

  10. 高校教学团队的生成条件属于高等教育管理学研究领域,是高等教育管理学学科中高等教育微观管理方面的问题。

    This paper belongs to the field of management of higher education , which is the micro-management problem of higher education in the disciplines of higher education management .

  11. 大学自治是现代高等教育管理学中的一项基本原则,但大学自治不是绝对的,司法审查介入大学自治是必要的,可对其进行保障与监督;

    Self government of university is a basic principle in the management of modern high education , but it is not absolute , and it is necessary that judicial review should intervene it , guarantee it and supervise it .

  12. 关于创造力教育规律探寻的研究路径成为了高等教育学和管理学交叉研究的新支点。

    The studying route to explore the disciplinarian of the cultivation of creativity has become a new fulcrum of study of higher education and managing study .

  13. 本文拟综合运用自己所掌握的高等教育学、管理学和心理学等领域相关知识,特别是结合笔者高校工作和学习的相关经验,对我国高等院校教师激励机制问题进行反思和探讨。

    This paper integrated the use of possession of higher education , management and psychology and other fields of knowledge , especially combined with the related college work and study experience of the author to reflect on and explore the university teacher incentive mechanism in China .

  14. 本文将运用高等教育学、高等教育管理学和法学的基本原理,综合运用历史分析法、比较研究等方法,对高校学籍管理制度进行理论阐释和实践研究。

    This dissertation will combine three principles ( such as higher education , higher education administration and science of law ) with two methods ( such as analysis on history , comparative study ) to carry out theoretical explaining and practical research for student registration system in the Chinese universities .