
  1. 周六,骆惠宁被任命为中央联络办主任,接替王志民。

    Luo was appointed director of the liaison office on Saturday , replacing Wang Zhimin .

  2. 青海省长骆惠宁在禅古、甘达村新社区建设奠基仪式上宣布,玉树重建正式拉开序幕。

    Governor Luo Huining started it at a foundation-laying ceremony held for new neighborhoods to be built in Trangu and Ganda villages .

  3. 骆惠宁在上任后的首次公开讲话中承诺,他会带着对香港的真诚和真情做好工作,并领导联络处继续忠实履行职责。

    In his first public speech since taking the new role , Luo Huining promised that he will work with sincerity for Hong Kong and lead the liaison office to continue to faithfully perform its duties .